ARRRGGGHHH!!! more warning lights

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ARRRGGGHHH!!! more warning lights

Post by 04crewvt »

Ok enough is enough. Besides continuing to get the P0420 code 1000 miles in with my new motor, last night I was coming off the interstate when my ABS warning light came on. I still had regular brakes but the system is telling me there's something wrong. I hope one of the new sensors in the hubs I replaced this spring are not the problem but I don't know how to check. My code readers don't do brakes so I guess it's off to the dealership for more testing. I have got to get this rig back to being reliable before snow flies.
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Post by green02crew »

Wow you have had some issues with that rig. Is it too late for a GM buyback? I'll admit I don't know much about them. I too have had some issues but not nearly as large just minor headaches *knock on wood. I wish you luck in getting it taken care of but it will be adding up financially to be quite a burden.
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Post by 04crewvt »

I am going to pursue getting some $ back for the engine problems once the whole replacement motor thing is completely straightened out but I doubt they would buy it back. Even if they would I like my rig better than anything out there right now and at least it's paid for. I expected a number of things to crop up around 80K which is a usual point where GM vehicles seem to need work but this is a little early and a lot more $ than I expected. I will have to check today to see if it's just a blown fuse for the ABS or if it's something worse. We shall see what happens.
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Post by HenryJ »

Have you changed the brake fluid regularly?

The first suspect would be a bad hub, if I were looking.

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Post by 04crewvt »

Brake fluid changed at 51K ,same time new hubs from Synergy Offroad were installed, fuses check out but I did find one chassis to ground strap unhooked right near the brake controller, hooked to the firewall but not on the other end and the negative terminal on the battery was only finger tight. I hope a bad ground hasn't fried the controller.
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Post by HenryJ »

Lets hope that takes care of things.

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Post by 04crewvt »

It might if I knew where the ground was supposed to go. The firewall end is right near the wiper board assembly (slightly below and to the outboard side but I can't tell where the other end is supposed to be attached. I will check the hub connectors while I am at it but I really hope it's not the sensor in one of the new hubs.
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Post by 04crewvt »

Found the ground point it just connects to the hood no change in the ABS status anyone know off hand how to reset it without a scan tool? I still have to check the hubs but ran out of time to work on it today.
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Post by HenryJ »

Pull battery cables , wait three minutes. That should reset. If the condition remains the light will illuminate again.

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Post by 04crewvt »

Thanks, I will try that in the morning.
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