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How much time?

Post by turkeestalker »

Alright, I actually fulfilled my obligation to family and got the electrical work done today which I thought would take all weekend. I am not going to be able to install my BL on a weekend when I have my sons, and due to other obligations will not probably have an opportunity to do it for another month unless I dig in tomorrow. I need rubber now. I am mechanically inclined, and have my uncle's garage at my disposal. He is an old body man and has all the tools I could hope for that I may forget to bring. I don't have anyone willing to help me do this, so I will be on my own. Can a capable man install a BL on one of our trucks in a day if he starts early? Is this a reasonable thing to attempt? I've no idea how much is involved nor how difficult it will all wind up being. I want to start around 6 am tomorrow and get it back to drivable less maybe steps and trailer hitch and get home at a reasonable hour in the evening. Is that do-able?
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Post by HenryJ »

Yes. Record speed would be 4-6 hours. A leisurely pace would still be done in 8-10 hours.

Download the installation files from our website, and read those in your kit. That will be a step ahead for morning.

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Post by turkeestalker »

These times would be for one person?
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Post by 04crewvt »

Sounds about right, add 3 hours if someone you know "thinks" they know how to help and shows up with a case of Bud
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Post by HenryJ »

turkeestalker wrote:These times would be for one person?
I did it by myself in 12 hours including a BSW install and the mounting of new tires. Two hours of that was driving to Boise and another was eating lunch.
Air tools will speed the process.

You have been soaking the bolts in penetrant for the last few days right? Stuck or broken bolts could offer a serious problem. Have another plan for a vehicle if Murphy rears his head.

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Post by turkeestalker »

Then tomorrow at 6 am central time, I will plunge forward into the abyss.....gulp.....wish me luck!
Forgive my ignorance when it comes to searching, but I've been looking and not found this webs instructions for doing a BL.
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Post by F9K9 »

Soak the junk with PB Blaster or Sea Foam Deep Creep tonight. Should have started that a week ahead but, hindsight is 20/20. All the fasteners are metric which is refreshing after messing with heeps.
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Post by HenryJ »

On our website linked by the banner above: Performance Accessories 2" Body Lift #192

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Post by turkeestalker »

I'm admittedly getting a little 'skeered' reading these instructions.
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Post by HenryJ »

Did you download the .PDF file and read those? They are worth printing for reference.
I will be working a shift until late afternoon, so I won't be close for a "HELP! post".Image

I do not recall what year your truck is. If it has the steel tank you don't need to cut the filler hose. You may not need to on the plastic tank, but be careful not to stress the neck on the tank. Too many have cracked it there.
Don't pull the wiring from the PCM during the install. There is a reason they do one side before the other.
Follow all the steps closely. You don't want to break a fan shroud, tear wires from the PCM, break an actuator, crack a fuel tank, or get stung by a horde of mad wasps ;)

There are quite a few good install threads with what to watch for.

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Post by turkeestalker »

I downloaded the same pdf from the place where I purchased the kit, (Geek even punched it and bound it in a report folder). Then the same set of instructions came with the kit itself. I've printed a few pages from here so as not to forget some pointers and good advice. I've done quite a bit of mechanical work on various autos in the past, some pretty extensive, only because I couldn't see paying such high labor costs when I'm capable. I may be a misfit though, because I've never really enjoyed it much, bikes however, are a different story mind you.
I'm sweating a bit, it is a big project, and all of us hold a certain fear of the unknown. Guess it is do or die at this stage, because my tools are loaded in the truck, jack, stands, etc., and I can't afford NOT to complete it tomorrow. Hey, it's on a sunday, maybe a little prayer wouldn't hurt!
so keep me in mind if you're awake round 6 am central, and yes, the bolts have been blasted a few times.
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Post by F9K9 »

The hardest part for "Top_Sgt" and I was those front bumper brackets but, they are not critical overall. They can be left off temporarily. Brule has a pic somewhere and once you see it, things suddenly make sense. :wink:
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it took me 8 and half hours to do my BL in my back yard. All I had was a tool set from craftsman and a $20 bottle jack. Rain and slet was a major factor from good ol' murphy that and it was March when I was doing this but I do have to admit the web info from here helped out alot!!! :idea: yet to install the front side bumper brackets.
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Post by turkeestalker »

I did do some head scratching on those front bumper side brackets, but got em figured out. I had the truck dismantled and ready to lift by 10, after a little himhawing around at the start. By 12 I had the blocks in place and bolted back down both on the cab and the bed. Shifting the bed to access the fill tube was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.....neither was snapping the plastic tanks fill tube section clean off as I was trying to twist the hose free. Grrrrrrrrr! A little rubber bond agent for bumper repair and some strengthening with a build up of Gorilla Hair, and I should be good for now. Guess I'm looking for a new fuel tank. Never got to the factory nerf bars, don't see much need for raising the factory hitch, but I may think differently later. All in all it was not that bad of a project, less my blunder with the fuel tank. But honestly, it is not something that I would do alone again, the joy should be shared. I'll finish all of the loose ends and what not over the next week or two. Like fabbing up a better way to attach the tranny cooling lines, zip ties.....are they kidding? And the front bumper square stock blocks......could they use anything weaker than that junk? But the big hurdle is past and the rest I can do at my leisure. Thank all of you for your input and the information shared that is available from this site. 'We' are an invaluable resource.

Just an FYI, I've got an '04 CC, not sure how other years may be different, but if you remove two simple plastic push clips from the plastic barrier inside the drivers side rear wheel well, access to the fuel filler tube is simple. Not sure that would have made much difference in my breaking it, talk about a weak design, but it would certainly make getting to it super simple. At least it made the repair much easier!

So do earlier model steel tanks fit our trucks? hmmmmmmmm
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Post by F9K9 »

That is a bummer with the fuel tank snapping. Mine was built in May of '02 and it is metal. Sounds like everything else went well. I was actually concerned with a bolt coming loose inside the body with your climate and corrosion concerns.
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Post by turkeestalker »

Well I was warned about the the plastic tank, but honestly, you would not believe how little pressure it took to snap, I was literally shocked. The temp fix should hold well enough to give me time to find a metal replacement in a salvage yard somewhere. Come to think of it, it's about time to start perusing them again for any recent arrival skids. Seriously Reed, the climate here is not nearly as bad as you think with salt in the winters and all, there is very little corrosion under my truck at 4 years old. Two of the bed bolts were 'stiff' for most of thier travel coming out, but the rest were a breeze.
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Post by HenryJ »

Sorry it did not go off without problems, but glad it is mobile.

Most rave about the difference it made. It kind of surprises me that you are pretty reserved.
Are you disappointed? Would you recommend others take on a project like this?

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Post by turkeestalker »

Oh by no means am I disappointed! It does make a big difference, I simply realize now that I really did want to go a little taller, just didn't know it until I did the BL. :roll: No worries, I've yet to crank the t-bars a bit, so that may make me happier. If not then I'll be boning up on the Marvelous Mystery Lift, and looking to change some gearing to accomodate it. As far as recommending others to do it, absolutely. Like I said, the lift itself wasn't really that bad, my blunder with the fuel tank was, but oh well, I was warned. I just didn't realize how fragile a poly tank was, like a milk jug, only more brittle! I think that only the '04s have the poly instead of the steel.
In all honesty, I was a little disappointed in the quality of the kit from PA, I mean, according to public opinion it is the best on the market, and it was complete, everything there that I needed, yet in my opinion, they could do a good sight better in some areas is all.
Based on the heat here, I got to skin out from work a little early today. Gave me a chance to stop by the Pick n Pull in downtown St. Louis. They punch all of thier tanks first thing so no luck, and no skids yet either. Another one had most of the tanks in the backs, by which I learned that ours is very different, and I won't be able to use anything but. Again, no skids at that one either, but there was a yellow ZR5 parked out front with Illinois plates on it. :shock: I did find a new metal replacement for $130 locally, so if no options present themselves, that'll be my baby, but I'm not looking forward to installing it! :bonk:
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Post by F9K9 »

turkeestalker wrote:......... I think that only the '04s have the poly instead of the steel..........................
IIRC correctly they went to plastic in the second half of '02
turkeestalker wrote:........In all honesty, I was a little disappointed in the quality of the kit from PA, I mean, according to public opinion it is the best on the market, and it was complete, everything there that I needed, yet in my opinion, they could do a good sight better in some areas is all.........
I think that maybe they have gone downhill the last couple of years. Despite researching BLs for my Heep and not seeing PA mentioned one time, I purchased a 1" BL from PA. I wasn't impressed with it and would purchase another of the many BLs offered for the heeps if, I do it again.
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Post by HenryJ »

I am not sure that PA was all that good to begin with. They did not address the tow hooks at all. Parts were missing regularly. The filler tube extensions included with my kit were the wrong size and material. The holes in the oil filter relocation brackets were not sized properly and distorted. Those are just a few things off the top of my head.
At the time, and this may still hold true, they were the only 2" body lift for our trucks.

BTW, Reed is right. '02 may have steel or plastic fuel tanks. All the '01 seem to be steel. Keep in mind that they use different filler tubes and breathers. The mounting straps may differ too? It may not be an easy swap if that is the idea.

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Post by turkeestalker »

I concur on every point in regard to PA's shortcomings Brule, and that is for starters. Trick is, the spacers were good quality and are in place, the rest can be dealt with in time, though I'm not too sure I'm happy with the hardware holding them on, but again, that can be dealt with. Bottom line is it's up.

The tank I found locally is listed as being for an '04 and as being steel, and my intent would be to lose the hose from the filler tube and replace it all together, so no worries there. Other than another 130 + bucks! :!:

I'm feeling marginally better after installing the rear gap guards before showering this evening, and temporarily attaching the safari bar back on. I left them off yesterday in order to ease the monitoring of the tank repair.

I'm looking at the nerfs and it seems that the only way to do it is lose one bolt. They will only be held on by two per bracket, after I raise it? Trust me, I've searched extensively, but I suck at it, I just can't find anything specific about what other members have done, like with photos. They seem like they would be plenty strong enough that way for someone of my size, 5'10" and only about 180#.
Reed, what did you do with your factory nerfs? Got a photo?
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Post by F9K9 »

I can't find any phot0s now. I had a PC crash, lost all of them and then Sony Imagestation went offline. I just redrilled the holes 2" higher but the driver's side front mount needs to have the top left corner notched for the parking brake bracket. Then you will need to drill all of the brackets on the driver's side to run the emergency cable through them. I don't remember how many bolts were used after I moved it up but, it was plenty. That tube will bend before anything else.
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Post by turkeestalker »

No worries, I think I can see what I need to do. One more question though, the air box, what needs to be done with it after a BL is installed? I recall reading that something needed to be altered with it but can not find it now.
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Post by turkeestalker » response.....did I misread about the necessity of an air intake mod in association with a BL?

Anywho, since I didn't have my boys yesterday, I raised the factory nerfs after work. Used a hand drill and it didn't take but 20 minutes to drill per bar. I did use a couple of different sized bits to get there a little easier though. I wound up raising it a bit over 2", and routed the e-brake cable through some existing holes on the driver's side. The truck looks waaaay better, and I'm getting more pleased with the BL each passing day. Figured a plan to raise the Safari bar, and I may break down and do the hitch just to copy Brule's tow hook fitment, looks nice as well as serves a purpose.
On that note, anyone know what year of chevy would have hooks with an offset to use in the front with the BL without any sort of spacers?

Since I need tires anyway, I went ahead with the TB crank, a bit heavy on an inch. Front sits about an inch lower than the rear now and looks way better. Figure I'll get an alignment when I buy tires in about a week. Something I noticed with doing it, is that my passenger side bolt is about out of thread, maybe a light quarter inch left, while the driver side has better than a half inch, with both sides being raised the same amount and level.
Is there something going on that this could be an indicator of and I should be aware of? Seemed odd to me is all, just asking.

I did have to kick myself when I looked for a way to better the square stock spacers that were provided to raise the front bumper. The 192 kit from PA is not only for our truck, but all S10s, most of which have more mounts than ours do. Hmmmmm, six of those nifty little 2" poly blocks left over.....what to do what to do? Yes, sometimes it may take a bit for me to catch on!

In regard to the tank, I wound up removing it completely this past weekend, so that I could remove the original fix and patch it properly, my own piece of mind. It is fixed, and I doubt it would ever break in the same spot. but I'm going to do a little investigating to see if fitting a steel tank from a mid '02 or earlier will work. I know that the filler tube is different, but the truck is not. Straps may take a bit of figuring, but my real concern is the sending unit and vents and lines, and how they compare. BTW, the bozo that claimed to have a steel replacement for an '04, was full of beans, it was for the '01 and '02, go figure.

Once I finally get things done to my liking, I will snap and post some picks, I promise. I did try to start my own photo share deal through the site way back when but it would never let me register, never got the email when I tried that is, but I will figure something out and post eventually. Not like you've not seen it all before though huh?
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Post by F9K9 »

I thought I posted that I already had an aftermarket intake. I try to stay current with several forums and I probably failed to hit "submit". One thing that I have learned is to store your photos somewhere permanent! PC crashes and sites being shut down has taught me that. I am looking for a good external hard drive now, just for that purpose. I do not recall anything mentioned out the intake. I know that on my recent heep's BL install that it mentioned taking it off but, several heep owners with a BL told me to skip that step and it worked out well.
Can't wait to see the photos!!Image
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