FREE "non-slip" oil filter wrench

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FREE "non-slip" oil filter wrench

Post by barch97 »

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Post by 2kwik4u »

Thanks for the heads up!
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Post by killian96ss »

I have a Craftsman strap wrench like that that works pretty good on a variety of items, even non-automotive related stuff like opening stuck jars.

I still prefer the K&N filters since they have a 1" end nut for easy removal and installation which is much easier than any of those oil filter wrenches. :wink:

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Post by 04crewvt »

whoa you mean there's a tool to help you remove oil filters? And here I have been just grabbing onto them bare handed and twisting them off. Image
I do need to buy one of those strap wrenches, I think I have 4 different filter wrenches at this point that are either too big too small or won't fit to remove the filters in this truck.
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Post by HenryJ »

I wouldn't mind having the wrench, but what should I do with the Valvoline oil? ;)

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