Well gents, this is my second to last day as a father of one My second little girl is due this Wednesday Scary isn't it... I'm about to have two little monsters running around
So anyways, I may be scarce for a few days (weeks....maybe months....well, maybe for the next 18 years) Well, probably not. I hope
I guess there isn't really a point to this post. Just wanted to share the joy!
I have a few monsters of my own running around! Lot's of fun, but girls are by far the hardest to raise. Whatever you do, don't trade the CC for a minivan.
killian96ss wrote: I have a few monsters of my own running around! Lot's of fun, but girls are by far the hardest to raise. Whatever you do, don't trade the CC for a minivan.
Never will my truck be sacrificed for one of those Atleast I hope not. Anything's possible.
wamason wrote:Well gents, this is my second to last day as a father of one My second little girl is due this Wednesday Scary isn't it... I'm about to have two little monsters running around
So anyways, I may be scarce for a few days (weeks....maybe months....well, maybe for the next 18 years) Well, probably not. I hope
I guess there isn't really a point to this post. Just wanted to share the joy!
At least you should have power (unlike Katrina times) so, please take a moment when you have time and give us an A-OK signal. Btw....congrats
[size=75][b]"For those who have fought for it, [i][color=red]FR[/color][color=white]EE[/color][color=blue]DOM[/color][/i] has a taste that the protected will never know."
[url=http://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73349]GUIDE TO SEARCHING. [i] (Some of the forum software is different but, it has helped me a lot.)[/i][/url][/b]
[b]"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke[/b][/size]
wamason wrote:Well gents, this is my second to last day as a father of one My second little girl is due this Wednesday Scary isn't it... I'm about to have two little monsters running around
So anyways, I may be scarce for a few days (weeks....maybe months....well, maybe for the next 18 years) Well, probably not. I hope
I guess there isn't really a point to this post. Just wanted to share the joy!
At least you should have power (unlike Katrina times) so, please take a moment when you have time and give us an A-OK signal. Btw....congrats
I think (I hope) I'll be able to get on regularly....we'll have the G-parents helping us out. Oh yea...we're moving April 15th to a bigger house 3 miles away So many things to do! I'll update everyone after the baby gets here Everything went perfectly with our first one, so hopefully things will be the same with this one.
congradulations. Try living with 14 yr old twin girls, but they are the reason for getting my crew (that and a head on encounter with a 2005 Dodge Neon). Seriously, enjoy them while they're young. I'm out numbered 3 to 1 , and have just learned to roll with the punches.
2001 Polo Green Metallic, no mods,(can't afford any)[/size]
Now we know the real reason you were "busy" nine months ago
I hope everything goes well for mom and daughter. Take care
"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
"Speed is just a matter of Money - How fast do YOU want to go?"-Mechanic from Mad Max-
If at first you don't succeed - Don't take up Skydiving! - ThunderIIKE7CSK
Congrats Walt I have four kids three girls and one boy My two oldest daughters have already moved out and I have a 19 year old son and a 17 year old daughter still at home, so it's all even now
"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
"Speed is just a matter of Money - How fast do YOU want to go?"-Mechanic from Mad Max-
If at first you don't succeed - Don't take up Skydiving! - ThunderIIKE7CSK
Alrighty *hands out imaginary bubblegum cigars*, we've got a baby!
Emily Grace Amason was born March 22, 2006, at 1:19 PM, weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces. Perfectly healthy. We're going home from the hospital today. (They have wifi in the hosp.)
[size=75][b]"For those who have fought for it, [i][color=red]FR[/color][color=white]EE[/color][color=blue]DOM[/color][/i] has a taste that the protected will never know."
[url=http://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73349]GUIDE TO SEARCHING. [i] (Some of the forum software is different but, it has helped me a lot.)[/i][/url][/b]
[b]"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke[/b][/size]
wamason wrote:Alrighty *hands out imaginary bubblegum cigars*...Perfectly healthy...
Thank you!
"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
"Speed is just a matter of Money - How fast do YOU want to go?"-Mechanic from Mad Max-
If at first you don't succeed - Don't take up Skydiving! - ThunderIIKE7CSK
Just exercising the lungs. That is a good thing. Get used to listening to her. You have a looong time of listening to females to look forward to. You are out numbered
"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
"Speed is just a matter of Money - How fast do YOU want to go?"-Mechanic from Mad Max-
If at first you don't succeed - Don't take up Skydiving! - ThunderIIKE7CSK
HenryJ wrote:Just exercising the lungs. That is a good thing. Get used to listening to her. You have a looong time of listening to females to look forward to. You are out numbered
I alos live with 3 so at times I just need to go outside because theres never a quite second in my house the 3 of them can really talk.
[size=75]2004 S-10 CREW CAB {TRADED IN}
........ 2006 Nissan Frontier Crew Cab[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeff024/]PICS OF THE CREW CAB[/url][/size]