Crew Cab Duallie

Fitting oversize tires, raising and lowering, suspension modifications...

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Crew Cab Duallie

Post by HenryJ »

Who was it that was interested in building one?


Here's the [thread]

"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
"Speed is just a matter of Money - How fast do YOU want to go?"-Mechanic from Mad Max-
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crew cab duallie

Post by Joseph »

That was me. I got busy with some family stuff. Well, any how the fender flares will have to custom made. They was going to cost more than I wanted to spend. I found the parts for the rear wheels. After a few days I realized it was going to more than I can handle, maybe some day I'll have the money and time to due this. That pix is a very good example what a S-10 Crew Cab Duallie could look like.
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Post by a2b »

Do it! :lol: :P :roll: :shock: :x :D :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :wink: :lol: :o :cry:
[size=75] -HOBIE

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