Turn Signal Issue *solved (pin bent in connector)

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Turn Signal Issue *solved (pin bent in connector)

Post by rowbie1kanobie »

Hi I just bought a 2002 S10 Crew Cab and like all used cars you do run into some minor issues. My issue is that the right rear turn signal does not blink and when I turn the hazards on it doesn't blink at the right rear as well. Also, when I do turn on the right turn signal it blinks very fast in the front. I have already replaced all of the bulbs on the right side so that eliminates that possibility. Can anyone help please?
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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by border man »

Each turn signal has it's own fuse. Check that first, then check the ground wire for that light under the right rear near the bumper mount/frame.

*Edit* Wrong section of the forum to post this. It goes under electrical..... :!:
[size=75]I didn't do it, it was already like that when I got it.[/size]
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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by HenryJ »

After you check all the fuses: Tail light not working solved
The tail lights each have their own ground. Look for them where the bumper bracket bolts attach to the frame. The wire is either broken or has a bad contact.

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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by rowbie1kanobie »

Ok, first thank you for your replies, so I checked the fuses and they all work. What I did was I took the right turn signal fuses and placed them in the currently working left hand side spaces; everything worked fine. Now the ground wire seems to have a solid connection, and when I tested the actual voltage coming off of the running lights I got a normal reading. However, I didn't get any voltage reading coming off of the wire that supplies the power for the turn/brake. Do you still think it is the ground?
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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by HenryJ »

Turn signal problems

Sound familiar? If the last two suggestions failed, you might try changing the flasher.

There are a wealth of other answers a search reveals:
missing tail light? *solved (bad fuse) Test the fuses , don't rely on a visual inspection.

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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by rlrnr53 »

I'll have to agree with Henry J on this one. I've had more than one occurance of fuses looking good but not carrying power to the other leg of the fuses. In a couple of cases the fuse checked good on the top of the fuse on both sides, but the power would not travel to the blade of the fuse.
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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by green02crew »

I know I had a similar issue before as well. I felt dumb to learn it was a fuse. Maybe thats not in your case but its a good one to rule out. I have a trailer that when hooked up blows a left turn signal fuse every time. Hooked to another truck it does not. Other trailers don't blow my fuse either. Strange. But now I know where to look first thing before bulbs.
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Re: Turn Signal Issue

Post by rowbie1kanobie »

Ok so I fixed the problem, and what it actually was, was the connection under the truck that tied the tail lights together and connects them to the wires leading to the front of the truck. What it was specifically, was the pin for the passanger side brake/turn was bent and was not connecting. I don't know why it was bent, but I straightened it with a screw driver and now everything works great.
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Re: Turn Signal Issue *solved (pin bent in connector)

Post by HenryJ »

Thanks for posting your repair! That may indeed help someone in the future :rock:

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Re: Turn Signal Issue *solved (pin bent in connector)

Post by 04crewvt »

I wonder if someone removed a T-harness for a trailer wiring kit and bent the connector when they reconnected both ends?
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Re: Turn Signal Issue *solved (pin bent in connector)

Post by HenryJ »

That was my thought as well.

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