Rust... Rockers, fenders, and more Q's

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Rust... Rockers, fenders, and more Q's

Post by LMs10CrewCab »

I tried searching but... I couldn't find the answer.
Any help would be great 

Does anybody know of any companies selling:

(1) S10 crew cab rocker panel replacement panels?

I have the latest catalog from LMC and I tried the internet but no luck :(

Mine have the a few bubbles but not too bad yet.
Also to my dismay I found that my rear fenders are rusted 1" up, I didn't know it because the stock fender are hiding it.

(2) I looked but it seems they sell only the left hand bed side complete panel.
Is there a company selling the right hand side as well?

Heres the deal, i am posting my truck on craigslist and if it does not sell for above average price then I am going to town on it!

I am thinking about doing skidz cuts on all four fenders with a larger top section to get rid of the rust and putting on Pacer flexy flares no lip side mounts ( not the ugly flat ones)  or zr2 flares from the yard... How about baja fiberglass complete front fenders... Or fitting gen 1 cut outs with a little bondo on the body line ???

What do you guys think?
Any tips or tricks to fixing this rust?
Any great ideas?

This is my first vehicle and I have learned a lot! If I can sell it I am getting a crew from a rust free state - no more from rust land SORRY WISCONSIN!

Have a great day - Levi
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Re: Rust... Rockers, fenders, and more Q's

Post by HenryJ »

Rockers are really easy to fab. Check with a heating and cooling company that does duct work. They may have a long metal brake for bending up a set.

If you are going "all out" , how about not replacing them? Either shave them for clearance or fab some sliders to take their place.
Fenders: Baja fiberglass all the way. Cut out all that rust, seal it all up good and cover it in fiberglass sides that will not rust. Easy choice in my book. Cheaper than a new bed and all.
Gotta love the look ... remember it will mean a new set of wheels and tires.

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Re: Rust... Rockers, fenders, and more Q's

Post by LMs10CrewCab »

The right rear is only one with 1" high rust, the left rear is just starting.
Front had no rust and I think my rockers are good, just bubbled, ( If I don't sell it in a few weeks I am going to be stripping the paint and fixing whatever comes up)

Who sells the bedsides in fiberglass for crews?
Also when I take off the back flares will there be large metal brackets?
If so how do you take those off?

I made some paper templates last night, not perfect but i am seeing how different shapes are going to look.
My favorite shape so far is a round edge square top fender to match the roof line.

I am thinking of cutting the entire rear fender off and roll it inwards, with 4.25" no lip side mount flares in the rear.
And 2.25" no lip side mount flares on the small flare on the front fender.

Do you think it is feasable?
It would give me between 33" to 34" clearance and enough fender overhang for 4" backspace wheels.

After I do this if I do I will be bedlinering body line down after spraying the inside of the rockers with rust protector and filling in with foam and making a watertight seal for the rockers.

I know you guys always wanted a good pic so here is the craigslist post, ya I know the price is high, if I get any offers you know how low they come :) the pics make my truck look so un shiny, the sun made the pics really dull.

I got the access lite rider tonneau cover for $200 off craigslist almost brand new!

Hey HenryJ if you private message me I would like to send you my email and then I can send you the pics of the templates, and see what you think.

 I know it's going to be hard.. But I think I can do it.
I have ruined countless items but I am going to take my time on this one, plan ahead, and give it my best.

Sorry for going on and on :)
Thanks for all the help so far!