Hello, I need your help .
I have purchase from Rockauto the AC DELCO SCPI to MFI upgrade kit and the fuel pressure regulator on the kit I have received does not look like the one on the photos in the Rockauto catalogue (see photos of the one I received ) it has a hole instead of the small tube
My question : is the FPR i have received a wrong one or may some kits be delivered with a different FPR but having the same spécifications than the one with the small tube shown on catalogues photos ?
The one I have received
On Amazone I have found a photo of a Delphi FPR looking like the one I have received and convenient for my Blazer LT year 2000 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CG ... 6121864-20
But I prefer to ask to be sure ....................
I think I know what you are talking about. The regulators with the "tube" are so that they can be used outside the intake manifold. A hose is attached to the intake manifold vacuum. The V-8 engines have the regulator mounted externally in this manner.
Ours is mounted inside the intake manifold and subject to vacuum without the need for a hose. Either will work the same for our application.
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Thanks AVTekk for your help . The "big tune up" and upgrade will be done within 2 weeks (complete tune up with total renewing of the ignition modules, upgrade of the exhaust manifold joint with "Felpro permadry plus", and other joints of the kit , cooling system with "green" , upgrade of the injection spider; all that to be quiet for an other 13 years without troubles like the passed 13 years and 130 000 km !)