Bachelor party, with the crew

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Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by fallvitals »

So, tonight was my bachelor party. Nothing at all planned. I did have my potatoe gun in the truck by chance. I haven't even shot it in years. Buddy tried to get me to go Muddin in the crew saying no, it's my only vehicle and I have a Atv for that. Well he and his buddy get good a liquored up. I'm sober. They keep talking about shooing that tater gun. But its midnight and we are in the city. But they talk me into going up this easy road and shooting.

So I do, it really wasn't bad, but we've had a lot of rain, and steering was impossible in spots, and did a lot of sliding. Some kinda scary, but we made it out shot the tater gun. Took pictures, they got drunker blasted music under the full moon. Caught a frog. They wanted to ride in the bed on the way out so i obliged. Going out, there was a big hole I wanted to go around. And my ATs would t go up this gentle slop to go around. My back end kept sliding out, as it I was trying to drift. I tried three times, then finally hit the hole... Sideways, as if drifting, scared I would grab and go straight over the hill, lol, and finally steered out of it. Crazy, like having no control on ice. Anyways, a fun evening. Thought I'd share. We were out till like 3:30am, lol.
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Re: Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by HenryJ »

Sounds like one for the memory books. No damage and no injuries made it a good one indeed.
Summer wedding?

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Re: Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by F9K9 »

Personally I think I would prefer a DD (not daily driver) and a trip to the uh hmmm uh a T&A establishment over the potato gun but, that's just me. :lol:
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Re: Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by HenryJ »

F9K9 wrote:Personally I think I would prefer a DD (not daily driver) and a trip to the uh hmmm uh a T&A establishment ...
Taters and Artillery? :D

"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
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Re: Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by roadrunner »

Brule, I know you are not that old or naive! :lol: Clever turn of an acronym though. Kudos for forethought. 8)
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Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by fallvitals »

lol, well, I'll say I can't drink. Rather not the drunk part, but I can't stand the taste of it. Even cocktails for the most part, lol. So that didn't really bother me, never been to a t&a place. Never really understood it, like going to a Buffett and say that sure looks good, here's $20 let's go. lol.

It was nice to see that front tire throwing mud! If you all recall for the longest time I thought I had 4wd but the actuators bolts had pulled out and it had nothing to pull against to engage the front diff. I didn't get as much mud on it as I thought but it was so foggy last night, pictures were near impossible.

Getting married this Saturday.
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Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by fallvitals »

Me on left
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Re: Bachelor party, with the crew

Post by F9K9 »

fallvitals wrote:............................I didn't get as much mud on it as I thought but it was so foggy last night, pictures were near impossible...................................
The fact is that you wheeled it and that is a good thing! :thumb:
fallvitals wrote:..........................Getting married this Saturday.
Congrats and best wishes!!! :woohoo:
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