Sonoma fog lights, change out to yellow

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Sonoma fog lights, change out to yellow

Post by mjmcdowell »

Hello all! I would like to replace the bulbs in my fog lights to amber/yellow on my 2002 crew Does anyone out there know of a bulb and number that I can use? Also how hard is it to change them out. Thanks for any input on this. God bless all our veterans, active and inactive, stay safe, mjmcdowell
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Post by F9K9 »

Don't know about the bulbs but, the change out is easy. Open hood, remove headlights (or not), pull grille straight out, and change them out. Don't touch the bulbs barehanded.
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Post by 04crewvt »

Here's the type lamp I installed (maybe not the same brand but close)E-Bay Yellow fog 880 lamp. Install will take you all of 10 minutes or so and they are much nicer than the factory lamps
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fog lights/change out/yellow

Post by mjmcdowell »

04crewvt, Thanks for the E-bay site. I now have yellow fog lights on my crew!!!!, change out was a snap, thanks again. stay safe,mjmcdowell
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Post by 04crewvt »

Glad I could help, that's what we are all here forImage
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