Before shackles and with TB crank

After Shackles

The shackle
I really like the stance and appreciate all of your help
Moderator: F9K9
Torsion Bar: Front suspension can be adjusted for height/stiffness by tightening or loosening the torsion bars.jdeller wrote:hey, Im new here, and i have the same truck but white/ camo. what is TB?
Here's more information on installation and preferred manufacturers of shackles.jdeller wrote:and where can i get the shackles at? thanks alot...Jon
That's up to you. You don't neccessarily have to turn the t-bars at all. Most that I have seen with shackle/t-bar crank look very similar to Cajun's, with rear slightly higher. So, as many turns as it takes to get the "rake" you're looking for.jdeller wrote:how many truns should the TB go to go with the shackle?
Yes, after any adjustment of t-bars, your wheels will be misaligned. Six turns and 1.5" height increase will dramatically effect alignment, maybe even beyond the range that can be realigned. Also consider that tightening the suspension stiffens the ride. This is a significant adjustment and will dramatically change the way the truck drives. Further consider the history of front end component failure after extreme t-bar adjustment amoung members here. CV boots/joints, wheel bearings, etc.jdeller wrote:then need to get a alinement or no?