I have been thinking of a way to do this. I am going to be exempt from this and will offer a prize to the winner. I am not totally sure what the reward will be. It could be just the bragging rights of the membership here and a S-10CREWCAB.COM sticker.
I am not sure what it will take to win. I have all kinds of ideas. We have very creative people here, and maybe it will be something simple. What about dressing up the truck for a Christmas photo? Perhaps it is just cuddling by the fire and enjoying a cup of something hot with someone you love? Maybe you spent Christmas eve serving dinner at the homeless shelter? Or stuck in a snow bank and missed Christmas dinner?
Post the story, paint the picture , inspire us all. This needs to be something with which you are directly related. I really don't know what will come of this if anything. I may even add a poll.
I want to be able to say: " Insert your name here , from the crew cab forum, really did something really neat for Christmas. They insert story here."
This will all end the day after Christmas. Enjoy the holiday and bring us a story to inspire the Christmas Spirit in us all.