I am entirely on your side but, sometimes the old "Could not duplicate customer's complaint" is valid.
I had a noise, similar to yours, that the dealer, from which I bought "said 2002 Chevrolet 4.3L S-10 Crew Cab Pick up truck" (where is Qamar, anyway?) and they couldn't fix it
Well, that was when I was battling GM so, I made darn sure it was happening on a consistent basis and I would be da_ned, when I made an appointment with my new dealer and when I had him in the truck I could not repeat it for them
I drove off in my loaner thinking that I'd failed and I would be called to come and get it with some incorrect part replaced and the problem unsolved.
They called and were able to duplicate the noise and fixed it right the very first time
They just have to want to help you and the way the economy is going, alot of these smart a__ "service managers" will be flipping burgers if, they do not get their "Head and A_s wired together!"
[size=75][b]"For those who have fought for it, [i][color=red]FR[/color][color=white]EE[/color][color=blue]DOM[/color][/i] has a taste that the protected will never know."
[url=http://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73349]GUIDE TO SEARCHING. [i] (Some of the forum software is different but, it has helped me a lot.)[/i][/url][/b]
[b]"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke[/b][/size]