HenryJ, E-fan?

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HenryJ, E-fan?

Post by bwenny247 »

can i justify the $240 plus shipping on the flex-a-lite electric fan for the gains i'll recieve. I dug up your old thread about the conversion and I am really just wondering if the change is noticable enough.
reducing engine load from the stock clutch fan seems like it would free up good amounts of horsepower and a little better mpg.

you claimed to feel the difference in acceleration but didnt notice any gas millage increase. anyone else out there running an electric fan.....your comments/opinions are appreciated.

i think it will be a cleaner look in the engine compartment, but i'm looking more at the performance aspect(mpg and hp).

thanks for the insight
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Post by HenryJ »

It will be tough to justify.

For mileage, it should make a difference, but was not noticeable. It has been long enough that I can't say how much power is gained.

I would do it again for the control that it gives me. I can set the temperature for which the fans turn on. This is very helpful while running a cooler stat.
While off roading I can manually control off for water crossings, or on for a head start on cooling while crawling in 4lo.

Warm-up times are a little better, and no rushing sounds from the fan.

If you are doing it for the performance gains, it will be not too cost effective. Price per HP will be a little high. Every little bit counts though. If you are out of mods to do perhaps this would be a good one.

I still say that the stock fan does a good job.

I would do it again. I do like them.

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Post by bwenny247 »

thank you for the input....i think i will hold off on this mod for a while. the option's always there later down the road.
i appretiate all the help i get from the forums and general info from the site.
thanks again: