ok on the who is on picture scroll there is a black cc its the second pic after kc's new on on there i pick on you kc bc your truck is like a sore thumb but that truck has just that look the stout height and everything i want to get a better look at it if anyone knows help me out id love to see a few more pics of it thanks
i did a search to see some of his pics and they are all red x'ed anyhelp??? its just for personal kicks so if not no biggy just would like to see the 7 truckin dont think i would ever look into it especially knowing that the sl is almost here (not that is wasnt almost here 4 months ago )
the red x's are because you are on a goverment computer, just like me, like if you go to the post about dodge's emblem, its funny, everybody is laughing, but i have no idea about what because to me it just looks like the postee(sorry dont remember who posted) posted and little line thing (-), dont you just love your uncle sam
[size=75]Driver carries no money, he's a Government employee[/size]
well this one i use is segovia so i see alot nothing is censored and as for the thing just picture the dodge ram emblem and it uncanny resemblance to a female reprodective organ diagram ovaries tubes uteris and all