s-10 SFA (***updated info for lift***)

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s-10 SFA (***updated info for lift***)

Post by a2b »

So i talked to off road unlimited, and they said that they have been working on a SFA for a s-10. they had been delayed by another project, but they are going to resume that. They have gotten alot of request for it, so contact them if you want and bug them about it. this is defienetly something i want to do! big fat dana 44 up front! that would be seat!

just go to there site http://www.offroadunlimited.com/ and just email them and ask them when they will have it, so that way they will feel there is a need to hurry up with the project!
Last edited by a2b on Fri Oct 18, 2002 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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What is an SFA

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I'm just curious to know what an SFA is?
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Solid Front Axle

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Solid Front Axle :D

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Post by a2b »

yes, if you ever read anything and it says sa or sfa that means solid axel or solid front axel. if you notice that we have ifs, independent front susupension. it is weak and it sucks for off roading. most all vehicles come with ifs. jeeps and land rovers come with sfa's. thats cool. so there are many shops who do sas, solid axel swap, for many different trucks. i want to get one soon!- hobie
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SFA - Someone making it now

Post by quickbiker »

Here is a someone that is making the kit if you haven't already heard. It is for the later gen s-10's also. I've seen the Blazer pictured there, he lives somewhere close to me. It looks crazy. I just wonder how drivable it is on the highway, but then if you go that far, who cares? LOL

[size=75][url=http://outsideventure.com/s10crew/]01 S10 Crewcab - SAS'd[/url][/size]
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LOL, Ooops

Post by quickbiker »

Sorry about the multiple posts. Guess the sites is slow tonite. haha
[size=75][url=http://outsideventure.com/s10crew/]01 S10 Crewcab - SAS'd[/url][/size]
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Post by a2b »

yeah i have seen that before and i have seen custom jobs. i talked to walker evans who if you dont know, has a kiss A$$ blazer with a dana 60 in the rear and a dana 44 in the front with all sorts of other mods and he is running 35's. anyways, he said that his is totally streetable, so it must be possible. as far as ORU is concerned, from what i understand, the s-10 is one of the most difficult trucks to convert. Brian (friend) tried to get them to fab him up one last year on his z and they told him that they wanted nothing to do with s-10's. after diggin up info, he found out that they had already tried to do a SAS for a s-10 and had failed at it and given up. at least thats they town myth. i am going to go over there next week and talk to them. i am all about that dana 30 :evil:
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Post by a2b »

so i emailed Fabritech about their SAS. i dont want anything higher than a 9" lift. i would fill better if it were an 8. anything higher will make me too tipsy. so i asked them whats the deal with money and can it be a DANA 44 and not a DANA 30. i am not going to spend that much money on a weak dana 30 that i cant even put a locker in. so we will see what they say. i will still hound ORU about thiers when i get a chance to by thier place.
[size=75] -HOBIE

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Post by a2b »

okay, fabritech emailed me back and here is what they said...


The conversion will fit all S-series trucks, except for ZR2 models

which we

think to be slightly different and 2wd models. We can provide you with


Dynatrac Dana 44 that is setup externally like a Dana 30 Cherokee front


The price for this will vary depending upon what internal components


customer desires. It is something that any competent 4wd shop can


The 9" kit is $2199.99, the 11.5" kit is $2269.99, the sway bar assy.


$329.99. These are not prices including the housing. Housings are

quoted for

each customer on availability and customer's desires for internal

components. The 9" kit is finished with about a 4 week wait at this

time, we

are trying to get all of our setups right. The 11.5" kit should be


within the next month. As for the rear, our kit includes nothing. We

did a

spring over kit on the rear of the demo vehicle. But we do not supply


components for that. We supply straight axle conversions. A simple

block in

the rear got it up to speed just fine after the spring over. The front

coils, steering, and brake lines come with the kit. You supply the


shocks and all the rear suspension components.

Thanks for your interest,

God Bless,

Chris Brown

FABRITECH Motorsports

[size=75] -HOBIE

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Post by a2b »

so i am going to keep shopping around. i want a shop who will install the axel and put the lift on the rear all in one trip.
[size=75] -HOBIE

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Post by a2b »

so i talked to off road unlimited and they said that the plans were ready for the SAS, now they just need a guinee pig to try it out on. So i offered mine and i am waiting on there response. see, john, you may be able to get a lift and a solid axel after all! - hobie
[size=75] -HOBIE

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