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Things that should be banned while driving

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:50 pm
by fallvitals
We all know about cell phones and texting while driving. But a few weeks ago I came across a driver who was all over the road, worst then any person on a cell phone iv ever seen.

Now it's not PC I'm sure, but this women was fanatically signing (sign language) to her young child. Doing about 80 hands barely on the wheel on our curvy wv interstate system bouncing from line to line.

Just curious if any one else has come across something similar, or something else to add to this. I was seriously scared for the child in that car.

Re: Things that should be banned while driving

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:54 pm
by nebby58
I don't like people who listen to music loud, but I'm a hypocrite. I can feel the subwoofers on the back of my head. :rock: :roll:

Re: Things that should be banned while driving

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:42 pm
by F9K9
I've always had a problem with people multi-tasking and driving. For crying out loud, you can get a bluetooth headset, at Big Lots, for 10 bucks. Instead you sit at a 4 way stop with 3 other people that can't hit the turn signal, to give you a clue about their intentions, because they are talking on a phone.

Re: Things that should be banned while driving

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:31 pm
by nebby58
F9K9 wrote:I've always had a problem with people multi-tasking and driving. For crying out loud, you can get a bluetooth headset, at Big Lots, for 10 bucks. Instead you sit at a 4 way stop with 3 other people that can't hit the turn signal, to give you a clue about their intentions, because they are talking on a phone.
Better hurry before the government bans those too. Anymore you can just have a mic with bluetooth wired into your stereo and hear your phone call through your speakers.

Things that should be banned while driving

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:09 am
by fallvitals
Talking on a phone... Depends on the person some can and most can't. Usually those people can't drive without one anyways. But as for texting,,, if you do that you should be kicked in the teeth. I use to when I had a actual keypad. I memorized it, I could text without looking. So it, in my opinion, wasn't a issue for me. But with my iPhone, I don't dare.

Re: Things that should be banned while driving

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:17 am
by HenryJ
Guys just are not wired to multitask. We REALLY need to focus on one task. Once complete , then move to the next. Females are wired differently. They have better multitasking skills.
Neither gender should be doing more than driving. The brain can handle only so much. Overload will forsake one task over another unconsciously. I would hate for that one task , forsaken, to be the car approaching from the left.