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Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:46 pm
by s10 again
Is it just me or has the forum been slow? Maybe the word isn't out out that we are back online.

Anyone planning on putting stickers on there rig to help bring people to us. Would it step on any toes if I had one made up using our banner?


Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:09 pm
by HenryJ
Heck no. This is our forum so you can use anything you like!
Check out this thread: All New! S-10CREWCAB.NET Store! I posted the images there. There are some hi-res images that you can use for your desktop background too.

Our store has some stickers:



Mugs, T-shirts , water bottles, mouse pads and more.

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:01 pm
by s10 again
Well I guess that is where assumption gets me. I had no idea you had time to to put all this together along with getting us back up and running. You have been a busy man and I apparently need to look over our site better before opening my mouth!!! I like the lighting bolt sticker but I was thinking about a CNC cut type with just our banner with flat black or the same gray as our fender flares letters and the .net in red to match my zr5 decal. This would be sixed just right to go on the drivers side rear glass.

That lighting bolt decal would make a cool front license plate!!!

I have counted at least 6 s10 CCs running around my neck of the woods and a town just down the road does a cruise in from April to October every sat. eve. I might park my 10 down there some heck it is clean enough. It is mostly for rods and muscle cars but we see nice newer stuff there all the time.

So is it just me or are things slower than before the crash?


Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:15 pm
by HenryJ
We did lose quite a few in the move. Lots may not have had good email addresses here and , or did not bookmark the website.
The first week of each month I try to post the stats in this thread: Forum stats
There has been lots going on in PM and behind the scenes. Most often I try to encourage asking the questions on the forum so everyone can benefit and contribute.
I think the forum is about the same as it has been the last several years. I haven't looked over the stats lately to see if it confirms that though.

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:35 pm
by s10 again
Maybe things will pick back up as the site matures. I don't expect it to get huge as we do have somewhat rare trucks. But the more people we have the greater knowledge we gain.

Dang I just noticed your call !!! Mine is KG4KZV cant believe I missed that. Do you have some equipment in your truck if so what you running?


Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:04 pm
by HenryJ
I do. My truck is here: ThunderII and my rig: Yaesu FT-8800R

I need to update the page with the few adds I have done since. I now have a Softopper, new tool box, Diehard Platinum, ZR2 rear axle , sand ladders, battery tender, and a few other changes.

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:59 pm
by s10 again
Sweet!!! That baha concept rocks too.


Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:17 am
by roadrunner
s10 again wrote:Maybe things will pick back up as the site matures. I don't expect it to get huge as we do have somewhat rare trucks.
Not so much rare as aging. No CC's made for a few years now so we are into 2nd and 3rd generation owners. I'm a 2nd myself. :) 8)

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:16 pm
by F9K9
roadrunner wrote:..................I'm a 2nd myself. :) 8)
Not our fault :mrgreen:

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:05 pm
by s10 again
Rare might not have been the best word. But most places I have been you can't swing a cat without hitting something in the s10 lineup except a crew cab. I go days that the only one I see is mine unless I'm going to parents place then I will see one or two. Both live along the way one is parents neighbor :D. Out of the 5-6 around here only one other is a zr5.


Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:11 pm
by roadrunner
Har har Reed!! :lol: Never needed one either till moving here and carrying mail full time. Isolated as I am here in NW KS I see 3 or 4 CC's other than my own regularly. But then, I have to admit, full sized crews are pretty common here as well. 8)

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:26 am
by riceburnr2005
there any way i can get a smaller sticker thats small so i can put in my window? sorry im not a big fan of bumper stickers...

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:44 am
by HenryJ
riceburnr2005 wrote:there any way i can get a smaller sticker thats small so i can put in my window? sorry im not a big fan of bumper stickers...
The rectangular sticker is 3"x5". If you don't like the Roads End background you could cut out the lettering?

Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:49 pm
by F9K9
riceburnr2005 wrote:there any way i can get a smaller sticker thats small so i can put in my window? sorry im not a big fan of bumper stickers...
Am I hearing a Jarhead whine?


Re: Slow!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:49 pm
by riceburnr2005
hey hey i was just asking...