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Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:36 pm
by fallvitals
Never mind the earth has been cooling since 1998.
As Phil Valentine, a radio talk show host says, "Its the sun stupid!"
As for al gore, and global warming, its a giant scam called "
cap and trade". Look who stands to make money from it.
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:52 am
by killian96ss
Global Warming is very much real and already proven by thousands of the most respected scientists wordwide
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:09 am
by Horsehammerr
Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:12 pm
by roadrunner
Never fails to amaze me the folks who think this hoax is for real don't pay any attention to the "solutions" for it. I fail to see how throwing money at poorer nations from wealthier ones would solve anything. Follow the money and you'll always see what the controversy is really about. As for the "thousands of scientists" there are also thousands who disagree with it that just don't get the press for it.
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:38 pm
by fallvitals
killian96ss wrote:Global Warming is very much real and already proven by thousands of the most respected scientists wordwide
And even more scientist disagree.
Fact! The earth has been cooling, or stayed the same since 1998.
Can you tell me how much C02 is in the atmosphere? I think you might just be shocked.
This is a nice little read. And never mind the guy who wrote this, John Coleman, The FOUNDER of the weather channel, wrote. ... rming1.pdf
WHY do you believe in global warming? Or where you just indoctrinated to believe so?
Back to the topic. Its kinda funny how the solar peak coincides with the whole 2012 thing. As for the Myan calander.... all its doing is "rolling over" like the odometer on your car and starting over... but its crazy how a lot of ancient documents, from civilizations that never meet came up with this same date for "something"
I think if anything did happen (not counting on anything happening except Christmas), it would be a magnetic field shift, which would really suck for the earth, lol. But it has happened before.
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:53 pm
by s10 again
yes I believe in global warming. Yes I think it is a natural cycle. I also think mankind has accelerated and may even make this event worse. I also believe the scientist that think we will see a rapid ice age soon after we hit a tipping point are correct.
And yes it is a little scary that many unlinked ancient civilizations point to 2012 as a date of great significance. Ever worry about all these disastrous events that are suppose to happen in yearly cycles that the earth is behind on? Well maybe on 2012 the universe's debt collector shows up and we pay up all accounts in full at once.
So lets run a partial list.
Big space rock.
Sun throws fit fries earth.
Gamma ray burst.
Pole reversal.
Some DA drops gold watch into running LHC causes black hole.
So lets all break out that Wile E. Coyote umbrella to save us.
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:57 pm
by roadrunner
Interesting you mention 2012 vitals. I watched a "Universe" show and a companion History channel show that both referenced that year. They both claimed that our sun and planets will be in linear alignment with the center of our galaxy (the milky way) in that year so a solar event at the same time might take on more significance.
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:06 pm
by 14x4
fallvitals wrote:As for the Myan calander.... all its doing is "rolling over" like the odometer on your car and starting over... but its crazy how a lot of ancient documents, from civilizations that never meet came up with this same date for "something"
I think if anything did happen (not counting on anything happening except Christmas), it would be a magnetic field shift, which would really suck for the earth, lol. But it has happened before.
I don't know if I believe something will happen on December 21, 2012 or not. But what I can tell you is the Mayans didn't know
anything we don't know now. The Mayans did not have "magical" powers, and they did not have the ability to speak to a higher power. Many cultures were advanced for their time - which is a grand achievement - but no culture surpasses the knowledge and capability we have today.
In what logical way would ancient cultures, Mayans or otherwise, possibly know something were to happen on a date that
we haven't even reached yet? They did not have the scientific capability to figure it out, so chances are its junk. I think using the Mayan "prediction" as proof of a significant event on December 21, 2012 is laughable.
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:44 pm
by s10 again
14x4, you should study the story and true history of the Pleiades star cluster (seven sisters). This might change your view on how much the ancients knew compared to what we are just beginning to learn.
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:06 pm
by roadrunner
Apparently 14x4 hasn't seen several history channel shows not the least of which reveals a mechanical computer recovered from the bottom of the Mediterranean sea several thousand years old. Not to mention the one of the clay pot battery jar light from the time of the Pharohs. Pretty fine work for societies that didn't know as much as we do?? All I'm saying is the more we learn about past civilizations the more we discover we don't know or understand of their lost achievements.
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:28 pm
by 14x4
I am absolutely not undermining the achievements of past civilizations; of course they paved the way for what we have today.
The technological devices you mentioned were impressive for their time but does in no way mean they knew more than we do now...
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:38 pm
by s10 again
But we don't know if ancient civilizations knew more than we do now till we discover things that they had already documented. This because we don't always understand their way of documenting things till after we rediscover them.
Take the Baghdad Battery Roadrunner mentioned. There is a debate if it is a battery. However it does produce electricity which is really a new thing for our much more modern civilization if you look at the human time line. These clay pot battery's predate the next closest thing by a millennium. If these had been discovered before the 1800s we would have had no idea what they were. How many things might be out there or staring us in the face that we don't understand or have misinterpreted. Something to think about.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:43 am
by 14x4
s10 again wrote:If these had been discovered before the 1800s we would have had no idea what they were.
Very good point. But those things couldn't have been very effective if they were lost to antiquity.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:17 am
by barch97
fallvitals wrote:Never mind the earth has been cooling since 1998.
According to the Hadley Center yes but, their model excludes the Arctic Ocean. The Goddard Institute's model on the other hand shows average surface temperature reaches its peek in 2005.
In any case, I don't believe even Al Gore has ever said that global warming means that average surface temperature will increase every year and never decrease. A drop in average surface temperature does not necessarily mean that the earth is cooling.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:58 am
by s10 again
14x4 wrote:
Very good point. But those things couldn't have been very effective if they were lost to antiquity.
But we don't know why they became lost. And no I doubt they were very effective compared to what we have now. But the fact they existed so very long before our civilization invented the same thing that makes one wonder how much they really knew.
Now back to global warming. If one pays attention to what the scientist are showing as evidence it is not hard to see. Just the fact that glaciers around the world are retreating is pretty good proof. Global warming does not equal warmer temperature everywhere all the time even though that is what it would seem to imply. I'm not sure if we even truly know all the effects of global worming yet.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:10 pm
by roadrunner
I'll stand by my follow the money statement. Just another excuse for wealth re-distribution.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:56 pm
by fallvitals
roadrunner wrote:I'll stand by my follow the money statement. Just another excuse for wealth re-distribution.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:21 am
by killian96ss
The vast majority of the worlds top climatologists have already proven through decades of research that Global Warming is real and directly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, yet there are still people who think it's just a hoax.
Why are people so paranoid about stuff like this that they instantly believe that it has all been made up to make money?
I personally think that these people are just paranoid, delusional, or they are conspiracy therorists.
It is also these people who are making the problem worse by desperately trying to get people on the "Global Warming Is A Hoax" band wagon.
Does the sun have solar cycles that affect the Earth's climate? Yes!
Does the Earth go through normal heating and cooling cycles? Yes!
Does the Earth's orbit change from circular to elliptical every 20k years which also changes the climate? Yes!
Do asteroid impacts alter the climate? Yes!
Do major volcanic eruptions change the climate? Yes!
All of the things listed above can and do change the climate, however absolutely none of them have ever been proven to be part of our current warming trend that began a little over 100 years ago which just happens to coincide with time we started buring fossil fuels.
Coincidence? No!
Solar cycles do not vary enough to cause the drastic changes seen in the Earths's climate over that past 100 years and orbital fluctuations take thousands of years to change the climate.
Asteroid impacts and volcanic eruptions do cause sudden climate shifts, but neither one has happened in recorded history.
What is left that could be causing the problem? It's very simple, humans and our love for oil!
It's fine if you don't believe the overwhelming evidence that Global Warming is very much real, but it would be nice if the people who are against it would stop trying to convince other people of the same ignorance.
Does it make you feel good to counteract the efforts of our top scientists and leaders by spreading conspiracy theories and false evidence that Global Warming is not real?
Apparently the people who are against Global Warming simply don't care if our decendants have to live on a planet with violent weather, and less land mass which will create millions of homeless people.
The majority of the world's nations and population are already trying to make a difference so that our decendants can still enjoy this planet.
Why don't you conspiracy theorists try doing the same thing?
Help the planet instead of destroying it!
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:05 am
by fallvitals
Remember the little ise age?
And the midevil warm period came first.
Too many camp fires I guess.
Of course. "Global Warming" is not our faults, those wreckless early man started it with deforestation, per the greatest scientific minds out there. ... index.html
Remeber when the catalytic convertor came out? It removed all the HARMFUL gases, carbon monoxide being one, and releases, HARMLESS c02.
Again.... tell me how much c02 is in the atmosphere, I know the answer.
And tell me HOW C02, the deadly earth warming gas you are emitting this very moment, is warming the earth?
i think is also very great, all these great politicians, and celebrities alike, on this great global wamring band wagon. Stop emmiting c02! (which also gets into a great point of population control, but thats another heavy topic).
Yet Al Gore in his 3 homes, jet, cars, etc etc, has a bigger carbon foot print then I will probably have in 3 years.
Then ya got our great Dalia-Bama emmiting TONS of this, so called, earth warming gas to go try and bid for olympic games. A total waste of time, and money all around. Plus ya know Michelle had to go a couple days ahead, so just double that C02 emmisions on that trip.
Then ya got Pilosi, making mulitple trips from California to DC all the time. Think that Global Wamring supporter would take a airline to DC from cali to lessen her cabron foot print? Nah, she has to have her own private jet.
Its a SCAM. Its all about controlling you. open your eyes. And please tell me, some HARD FACT on how C02 is causing global warming. other then.. well... some scientiest..... they say..... Al Gore made a movie....
Ill say again,,, what warming trend are you in referance too? earth cooling since 98, super mild summer. Im just not seeing it.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:21 pm
by F9K9
fallvitals wrote:.....Ill say again,,, what warming trend are you in referance too? earth cooling since 98, super mild summer. Im just not seeing it.
I really did not want to get involved in this discussion but, much of the info is based on recorded temps by location. I have seen articles on waters warming and articles on glaciers growing.
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:04 pm
by killian96ss
fallvitals wrote:Again.... tell me how much c02 is in the atmosphere, I know the answer.
And the answer is 384.78 which also happens to be the highest level in 2 million years. And your point is?
C02 Now
CO2 Levels Highest in Two Million Years
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:31 pm
by WileyHunter
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:27 pm
by roadrunner
Said my .02 worth and stand by it. Too many hard heads to bother arguing with. I have learned people who think emotionally (liberals) just will not be convinced no matter what facts are presented nor how many experts are quoted or how many "warming facts" are debunked. They simply must be voted down. End of input.