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Cash 4 Clunkers

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:04 am
by barch97
The good news is, my truck qualifies with a combined fuel efficiency rating of 15mpg.


The better news is that my truck is actually worth more as a straight up trade-in.


But, the best news of all is that I have no intention of trading in my truck for a long long time. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:42 am
by fallvitals
I dont like it. IMHO, for most folks, it takes advantage of their ignorance to encourage the government's wants. They don't want you driving big gas gussiling vehicles so they give folks this option to do what they can to get rid of them, and destroy them so no one else will have them. Which will be convinant for them on down the road when the stricter MPG laws come out... Lot of folks will just bring in whatever they have, not even knowing what its true value is to get some Obama money for a tin can.

Just like the Gun Buy Back nonsense. Heres $50 for your gun, now we are gonna go through em in the ocean have a nice one! Idiots. Any one here bought a gun for $50??


Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:59 am
by killian96ss
The cash for clunkers program will be ending soon because they are alsmost out of money to give out. :lol:


Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:27 am
by roadrunner
Heard on the news today they're planning on pumping another 2-3 billion into the program so I don't think it's quite dead yet. I found it interesting that one of my vehicles (other than the CC) qualified a week and a half ago and the EPA played with the numbers in the meantime disqualifying it now. They have that vehicle rated higher now than the window sticker did when it came out new (I know as I bought it new and still have that sticker). Just another bureaucratic boondoggle. Unless someone was looking to buy a new vehicle anyway the average joe can't afford to utilize the program. Additionally it would be nice if they scrapped those vehicles to salvage yards thus increasing the parts available instead of destroying them. Fine if they don't want the engines and drivetrains out there anymore but hey how many times have people wanted/needed interior or body parts. My .02 worth.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:43 pm
by 04crewvt
The Govt. requires the vehicles to be sent to approved locations where only the motor is destroyed by adding liquid sodium silicate to the crankcase after emptying the oil from it. When run the engine catastrophically overheats and seizes, the rest of the vehicle is then able to be parted out to scrap yards for spare parts so no loss to the aftermarket used market unless the vehicle is then crushed and sold for scrap value.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:19 pm
by roadrunner
Here's the exact quote from the website.
What happens to the vehicle I trade in?

The CARS Act requires that the trade-in vehicle be crushed or shredded so that it will not be resold for use in the United States or elsewhere as an automobile. The entity crushing or shredding the vehicles in this manner will be allowed to sell some parts of the vehicle prior to crushing or shredding it, but these parts cannot include the engine or the drive train.

Sounds like it'll be up to the individual salvage yards to me.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:39 pm
by 04crewvt
According to the full regulations the vehicles must have the long block destroyed immediately but the rest of the vehicle can be held for up to six months before destruction to allow time for resellers to sell any parts except for the drivetrain unless it is also dismantled and sold for parts. Cash for Clunkers full Rules If anyone wants to read the full 136 page document.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:56 pm
by fallvitals
Only way I would ever partake in that program is if I had a truly piee of junk truck that would barely run, on cinder blcks, etc. lol. This government is out of control. I keep telling myself to hold on till 2010, the calvary is coming! lol.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:02 pm
by 04crewvt
Oh I have one that I would gladly trade in but unfortunately I took the insurance and registration off it more than a year ago. Guess I could always patch up the brakes so it would pass inspection and re-register and insure it for next years round of govt. money.

Yea Right - NOT

Sort of like how they bailed out the banks with bad mortgages instead of giving that money to those with the mortgages to use to pay them off giving the banks the money second hand and letting the people get out from under their debt so they once again had money to spend on other things.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:51 pm
by fallvitals
04crewvt wrote:
Sort of like how they bailed out the banks with bad mortgages instead of giving that money to those with the mortgages to use to pay them off giving the banks the money second hand and letting the people get out from under their debt so they once again had money to spend on other things.
Well the real problem started when the government told the banks they had to give loans to those people who would inevitably default on their loans/mortgages. People living outside their means is all it came down too. Every one needs a home, even if they can't afford it.

Its the, every one gets a trophy or no one does, mentality.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:27 am
I didn't like the sounds of this program when they were considering it and I still don't. :x

Taking my hard earned money to bail out companies that should have gone belly up was a total waste of my tax dollars. Then to double subsidize these vehicles with this program is a total slap in the face(seems like double taxation to me!?!?!). :x

Stepping off soapbox now.... :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:04 am
by Gary H
As long as my truck runs (right now it doesn't but that's another issue), I'm keeping it! This program is WRONG! There are a lot of people out there that can't afford a new car and would love to have one of these "clunkers" just so they have something they can get/keep a job with. If I ever do get rid of any of my vehicles, I'd rather sell one to someone that NEEDS a car rather than send it to scrap.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:43 am
by roadrunner
I have a clunker I'd love to send to scrap with a ton of miles on it. It qualifies too. Problem is I can't afford a car payment right now either. Sure hope those that benefit from this program at least have the class to be thankful to all the people paying for it visa vie their taxes.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:07 pm
by fallvitals
roadrunner wrote:I have a clunker I'd love to send to scrap with a ton of miles on it. It qualifies too. Problem is I can't afford a car payment right now either. Sure hope those that benefit from this program at least have the class to be thankful to all the people paying for it visa vie their taxes.
I concure there, but if they are buying a new car, chances are they are the ones paying the taxes for this program anyways. :roll:

Kinda like, hey, heres some of the money you are forced to give us ;) :)

Whatev. I mean, if, what is it, $4,500? is gonna be the make or break on a car anyways,, you probably don't need to be getting it, imho. (yeah 4,500 is a lot of cash, but I think you can see what im saying?)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:24 pm
by roadrunner
I disagree slightly. I pay taxes every year and have ever since I was 18. All this "government money" comes from taxpayers or will come from them for as we all know the government only operates on money taken from taxpayers in the first place or borrowed money which will have to be repaid by taxpayers eventually. That's you and me bro!! While 4500 bucks doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things remember the program started out with 1 billion and they are trying to pump an addtional 2-3 billion into it. It all adds up and will have to be paid at some future time even if it's only on paper now!!

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:00 pm
by fallvitals
Oh yeah agreed and understood, I just took your first post talking about folks being thankful, meaning folks that dont have a job and mooch. My slight "disgareement" (cant think of a better word) was that atleast its going to people who actually have jobs and pay taxes and not the moochers. I still disagree with the whole stupid thing, but atleast its not an outright handout :roll:

*edited some major typos out.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:09 pm
by DLP
One other way to look at it is...Some of the taxes I have been paying in for many years can be used by ME. Not some welfare looser! But I see both sides. Plus I hate to see what I call real trucks and cars trashed. Kinda like loosing the musle motors of the 60s to the 4 and 6 popers for better fuel economy.

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:30 pm
In the town where I work, there is an vacant lot between 2 stealerships(lot and stealerships owned by same guy). They have been parking the cash for clunkers vehicles in the lot. The other day I counted about 16 vehicles there with "cash for clunkers, not for sale" on windshields. Only about 5 were imo clunkers, the rest looked decent enough for first vehicles for a youngun, farm truck, or cheap work transport.....

I just don't get it....the government mandating that good used vehicles be scrapped.

I guess they are trying to kill off the used car market so everyone will have to buy the vehicles from the companies that Hussein Oboma controls with his puppet strings. :!:

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:22 pm
by fallvitals
We just have to wait for 2010 boys, the calvary is coming! lol.

luvmy02, I figured that what most srupid folks were doing, for the most part, "cashing in" perfectly fine vehicles rather then actual "clunkers" in this deal.

Liek i said, I don't agree with this program, but atleast with this program WE THE ACTUAL TAX PAYERS are geting some of our cash back (if you use this program obviously), and not the looser moochers. But all in all, its just Obama trying his best to rid this country of big vehicles, and put every one in tin cans.

What buisness is it of the goverment what I want to drive? If I can pay for the gas, or even if I cant! Whats it their concern? Thats the problem with america, and its scary, they WANT MORE GOVERNMENT.

Godbless the states like Montana who passed a law keep rfom having the federal gun registration, background check, and other awesome stuff.

The States need to stand up to the government and tell them how it is. The states need to run themselves! Okay now this is a bit off topic but I wanted to go there, lol.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:59 am
by barch97
fallvitals wrote:I keep telling myself to hold on till 2010, the calvary is coming! lol.
fallvitals wrote:We just have to wait for 2010 boys, the calvary is coming! lol.
You mean it's going to get worse? :shock:
  /ˈkælvəri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kal-vuh-ree] Show IPA
Use calvary in a Sentence
–noun, plural -ries for 2, 3.
1. Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified. Luke 23:33.
2. (often lowercase) a sculptured representation of the Crucifixion, usually erected in the open air.
3. (lowercase) an experience or occasion of extreme suffering, esp. mental suffering.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:11 am
by fallvitals
er, cavalry

But heck, that could happen too :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:21 am
by barch97
Crash For Clunkers: Demolition Derbies Hard Up for Cars

There's at least one group of people who are happy Cash for Clunkers is over: demolition-derby drivers. Participants in these events, in which drivers smash into one another until there's only one engine left running, don't enjoy the sight of old cars going out of commission without making a pit stop at the county fairground. "Obama is an anti-demo-derby guy," says Tory Schutte, head of the Demolition Derby Drivers Association. "He's targeting the cars we've been using."

Also contributing to the shortage of derby-worthy cars: scrap-metal prices have doubled in the past two years, leading more owners to sell their cars to the junkyard instead of to a local kid with demo-derby dreams.

Eric Coss, a teenager in New York's Delaware County, managed to buy his first derby car, a little four-cylinder he decorated with markers, this summer for $150, plus $6 for parts. His reason for entering the county's Aug. 21 event was simple: "You can smash your car without getting in trouble."

Since the 1950s, demolition derbies have offered cheap catharsis that embodies America's can-do spirit. A crumpled car sputtering along in the mud on its rims can bring a crowd of thousands to their feet.

There are an estimated 3,500 derbies in the U.S. each year, and they tend to be the main attraction at county fairs, where attendance has hit record highs in many places this summer. "It's been a stellar year for fairs across the country," confirms Marla Calico, spokesperson for the International Association of Fairs & Expositions.

A lot of preparation goes into crashing these clunkers. Cars must be stripped of all extraneous parts, including windows; any reinforcements other than roll bars and contestants will get disqualified. Gas tanks must be moved to the backseat and covered with scrap metal. Doors must be welded or chained shut.

Drivers, who are not allowed to ram driver's-side doors, have to wear helmets. Many accessorize with neck braces.

There's a lot of pageantry on display at derbies, too. Veteran demolition driver Lynn Buchanan paid $600 for his mid-'70s Chevy wagon, which he decorated with an American-flag motif for the Delaware County derby. He puts a lot of hours into fixing up the clunkers he's getting ready to crash and sees the derby as a healthy way to blow off steam in stressful times. "I tell my wife, at least I'm not at the bar or doing drugs," he says. "You know where I am — in the garage turning a wrench."

But the derby ultimately rewards fearlessness. Andrew Dougherty paid $100 for his Oldsmobile Delta 88, which got double-teamed by two Chevy Imperials in the Delaware County finals. Yet he never gave up — even after his trunk was flattened into the backseat — and was awarded the coveted Best in Show trophy and $300. Later, in the parking lot, he leaned against what was left of the car and crowed, "It still starts!" He cranked it. Nothing. "Well, it did!"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:35 am
by s10 again
What ever happened to "for the people by the people"? I have only talked to a couple of people that liked this cash for clunker crap the rest hated the idea of it. Since before Obama we have watched our government throw money at something that only a market correction can fix. This is just another bound to fail attempt that my grand children will still be paying for.

Lets look at what we are all seeing as a result so far. We are all seeing cars that where worth more than 4500 bucks on lots marked cash for clunkers. Reason is that the dealers where looking at a guaranteed 4500 dollar profit if they could push cars worth more than that into the CC program. Now for the flip side! Cars that were not worth as much as a first months car payment combined with full coverage insurance. It seems to me if these people could have afforded something better they would have long ago traded their junk in and already had something better. Many of these people cannot afford that shiny new car in there driveway courtesy of the rest of us. Now what happens within the next year or so..

Can you say bank crash 2.0 and them asking for even more government money.

The only way out of the mess we are in is through the bottom. The only workable plan that was presented was Obma's plan to rebuild our country's infrastruture. This would have taken our money to directly put people back to work and repair things that desperately need attention. But then many states have taken that have wasted it or are working to wast it.

We are in a sad place folks and a dangerous place where many are being made to beleive we are recovering. Sure things are looking better right now. But I feel we just found narrow ledge to grab hold of on the cliff we where falling off of. There is still a long way to the bottom and one missed move and we will start to fall again. Was this cash for clunkers program truly better footing or was it a bad move. I guess we will see!

Sorry for such a long post from a newbie but so much of this crap sends me off since I have children and grandchildren that will be paying for this crap!!!


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:59 am
by Horsehammerr
RIGHT ON EXACTLY !!! :bs: :clap: :woohoo:

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:45 pm
Crash For Clunkers: Demolition Derbies Hard Up for Cars
There's at least one group of people who are happy Cash for Clunkers is over: demolition-derby drivers. Participants in these events, in which drivers smash into one another until there's only one engine left running, don't enjoy the sight of old cars going out of commission without making a pit stop at the county fairground. "Obama is an anti-demo-derby guy," says Tory Schutte, head of the Demolition Derby Drivers Association. "He's targeting the cars we've been using."
Good find Barch97!!!

Yet again, another way the government is messing things up! I just can't wait till a few more months from now when the derby drivers are asking for their bailout. :roll:

Just kidding, I really don't think those drivers will be asking for a bailout. :lol: Don't want folks to think I'm serious about that.....

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:44 pm
by s10 again
LUVMY02CREW wrote: Yet again, another way the government is messing things up! I just can't wait till a few more months from now when the derby drivers are asking for their bailout. :roll:

Just kidding, I really don't think those drivers will be asking for a bailout. :lol: Don't want folks to think I'm serious about that.....

Heck if I was a derby driver I would stick my hand out for a bailout. Might as well every other Tom,Dick and Harry has why not. At least derby drivers still provide quality entertainment. Unlike all the whining NASCAR drivers. :D


Re: Cash 4 Clunkers

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:29 pm
by 24digger
I was at one of the local pull a parts a couple of days ago and saw a nice looking gmc crew cab. Someone was stripping out the interior, and I started looking at it and it didn't even have hardly any scratches on it.

Come to find out it was a cash for clunkers vehicle,

Re: Cash 4 Clunkers

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:34 pm
by roadrunner
Not surprising. When that program was going on I checked online and my CC was the only vehicle I own that would've qualified. :shock: As if I was willing to give it away for that amount. :lol: 8)