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Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:13 pm
by DLP
I had a good day today and thought I would share it with you! I had a front end alinement done on the crew yesyerday after adding 2" rear shackles. I had them crank the torsion bars up a bit too. Then today I added the 2" body lift. That gave me just over 3"s up front and about 4 1/2"s in the rear with the air shocks on low pressure. Sure was nice working in the barn with the radio cranked and no one to bother me all day. I got everything done except for a few front end items that I need to button up. I have a pair of stepboards to install tomorrow than I will get some pictures. Next will be a set of 31 10.50's. Thanks to all that sent me links and gave me advice on the lift. Darrell
Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:19 pm
by F9K9
Congrats and bring on the pics!
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:31 pm
by DLP
Well I didn't get the steprails on today. ButI did get the rest of of the truck put back together. I think it turned out pretty good. How much taller are 31 x 10.50s over 235 x 75 R15s? If I could get another inch or so higher I would be happy to invest in a set. Any one have a set for sale? ... 0_4555.jpg ... 0_4539.jpg ... 0_4546.jpg ... 0_4552.jpg
100k limit for images posted on this forum-HJ
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:10 pm
by F9K9
You may gain another inch with 31s. Check on
Craigslist for your particular area. I picked up a set of BFG MT KMs in 285/75-P16s (basically 33s) for my heep for $200 and the guy delivered them to me. I went to look at them and it was just 1/4 mile away.
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:21 pm
by DLP
I just picked up a set of 4 BF Goodrich Radial Long Trail T/A 31 10.50 R15 LT tires tonight. They have even wear with about 70% or so left. Not bad for $125 and the guy threw in a spare 31 to boot! He had them on his ZR2. They sure look big sitting next to 235 75R15s. I worked for about an hour trying to get one mounted on my spare rims. I give up. Taking them to the station in the morning.
I do have a question. I bought a set of GMC rims from a member here earlier this summer. Pix#1. I don't remember who it was. Can someone tell me what these rims were from? They have 15X7JTDOT50, 026E, 9591908. Before I mount the 31s on them, I figured I should find out if they will work. Are they the same offset as my stock 03 rims? pix#2. ... 0_4566.jpg
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:13 am
by F9K9
DLP wrote:..........I do have a question. I bought a set of GMC rims from a member here earlier this summer. Pix#1. I don't remember who it was. Can someone tell me what these rims were from? They have 15X7JTDOT50, 026E, 9591908. Before I mount the 31s on them, I figured I should find out if they will work. Are they the same offset as my stock 03 rims? pix#2............
Same BS and width. They will work fine up to 33s or maybe bigger. You have a green light.
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:28 am
by HenryJ
Both crewcab wheels, the first is GMC version.
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:30 am
by DLP
That's what I wanted to hear! Thanks guys. D
Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:33 pm
by DLP
I got the tires installed today. Other than needing chevy center caps, they are pretty nice. With 2 different GPS systems, a Scan Gauge and the stock speedo i read 57/58 at 55mph and 74/75 at 70mph. I filled her up put just under 100 miles on it tonight. Both GPS's trip milage were 84 miles. The Scan Gauge and the stock speedo both showed 81 miles. Too close to call till I get a couple tanks through it.
I was courrious as to what weight differences there was between the tires. Stock Chevy rims with 235 75 R15s weighted 52 pounds. The 31 10.50 R15s on stock GMC rims weighted 56 pounds. I thought there would be more than 4 pounds difference.
Lots of room except for the frame rub on over-turns.
Forum limit for images 100k-HJ
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:28 am
by DLP
I got the step rails installed. The rear of the rail is in closer to the body than the front. But who is looking! Wish I would have mounted them a little higher too. Kinda hard to tell while I was installing them in the barn. Wouldn't be that big of a deal to drill a few new holes and raise them. I also installed a push bar. It llooks nice. But I wouldn't trust it for anything other than holding a couple lights. I made up a couple new brackets that will beef it up a bit.
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:44 pm
by 04crewvt
Nice looking, what kind of light bar/mount are the roof lights mounted to?
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:48 pm
by DLP
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:14 pm
by DLP
I made the light bar out of a piece of 3" pipe. The frame is 1" tube bolted to the front bed rail and floor. It was origenaly made to carry our kayaks and lumber to and from the cabin. The lights were an afterthought. Now I need two more lights forthe front bar. ... 0_4575.jpg
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:42 pm
by bwenny247
glad to see someone getting use of my old rims
your truck looks real nice. did you raise the rear hitch yet? I can't tell from the pics.
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:19 pm
by blackflamed
nice man looking pretty good !
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:29 pm
by DLP
Thanks. It's getting there. Thanks for all the good deals on the doner parts!