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Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:35 am
by HenryJ
Today is the day!
Soon after my son was born I was walking through Walmart and I saw this really cool watch. It is a Hotrod Magazine edition with a flamed band and a Tachometer face in the center. Chrome, flames and a tachometer...what more do you need!
My son Tachoda was named after the word "takoda" in Souix Indian this means friend of many. Being a bit of a car nut I had to have him named with something automotive, hence...Tach in the spelling. Tach is short for tachometer. The watch just struck a cord with the tachometer face in the center of the dial. I grabbed it with the thought my son would someday wear it. I thought it might become a birthday present someday.
This watch has been sitting on the shelf in my office gathering dust for seven years now.
We decided that when he could read an analog watch on his own, that would be his watch. Many times we have worked with him to see if he really understood how to read an analog clock and what the hands mean. He was close but just didn't quite have it. I can remember at least twice where he tried hard, really wanting that watch.
Today he looked at the wall clock and said it is 7:53. No prompting and not even thinking about that watch. I checked and he does have the concept down. He understands and can read the clock.
With a wink and a nod to Mom I went to the office and took the watch from the shelf. We cut open the package and set the time. The watch clicked off the seconds for the first time.

I am so proud of him for this tiny milestone. He did this on his own without us concentrating efforts on teaching him.
He now has been reading off the time nearly by the minute for the last hour. :lol:
Time goes by quickly. Seven years was just yesterday. Treasure the time we have, it passes so quickly, well except for when a young man is telling you every other minute ;)

Merry Xmas to all.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:44 am
by BADs Crew
:thumb: I use to read a book to my son every night and will never forget the first time he read a book to me. They do grow up fast.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:50 am
by F9K9
Blink and he will be out of college and married.

Don't ask me how I know.

Merry ChristmasImage

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:03 pm
by Torskdoc
And then you're SPOILING the Grandkids. Good thing about them tho .........YOU CAN SEND THEM HOME!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:28 pm
Very cool looking watch and terrific story behind it!

These are the kind of stories that almost make my contacts come out of my eyes because of the build up of salty type liquid dear, those are not tears, my eyes are just sweating from a new workout routine :lol:

Also, I am always thankful for grandparents who spoil my 3 kiddos. Even if it does take a few days to reprogram them :yikes:

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:48 am
by WVHogRider
BADs Crew wrote::thumb: I use to read a book to my son every night and will never forget the first time he read a book to me. They do grow up fast.
Yep, mine now reads to me every night that I have her....And she's starting the whole clock thing to...She's 6.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:26 am
by daevans315
You guys are a little ahead of me. Mine has taken his first wobbly steps this week.