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WiFi antennas

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:01 pm
by HenryJ
I have been installing GPS mapping in emergency vehicles around here. They need to stay updated , so I have been tweaking the wireless coverage at the stations.
This is a handy way to pick up a few db:
WiFi Booster video
This is the one I have been using:
Ez-12 Parabolic Reflector Template
Print it out on a heavy paper. Assemble using small pieces of tape to secure the tabs to the back. Then coat the shiny side of a piece of aluminum foil with glue stick. apply to the back and trim to fit.
They work great. I picked up two bars at the fire station on the back pad.

For home I used a piece of aluminum to form a reflector. It helped a little bit in the driveway for my truck.
At the ambulance station I was not able to gain much for the parking area. Just too many walls to travel through.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:19 pm
by F9K9
I wonder why I can never find this good info on other S-10 forums :lol: It's all good though. I never bother dragging my laptop into the house for updates and sometimes have difficulty when in my driveway connecting to our home network. Thanks!