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Winched out a tractor trailer this morning
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:05 pm
by quickbiker
On my way to work this morning, I winched out a tractor trailer. There was no trailer, the couple was really in a bind. Since i know what it is to be in a bind, I helped out. Wish I had pics to share, but I'm sure the couple felt bad enough without taking pictures, lol. They were turning around on a narrow country road, and was bottomed out in a ditch. Too bad those trucks don't have lockers. It was a heavy pull, but my 12k lbs winch pulled it out fairly easy.
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:21 pm
by F9K9
Way to go Paul. No pictures would appear just like a S-10 pulling out a heep
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:24 pm
by quickbiker
f9k9 wrote:Way to go Paul. No pictures would appear just like a S-10 pulling out a heep
Yes, we S10'rs are a humble bunch.
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:48 pm
by Steve2003
quickbiker wrote:On my way to work this morning, I winched out a tractor trailer. There was no trailer.
How did you pull out a tractor trailer when there was no trailer?
Actually they can lock in there rear(third) axle. normal driving they only use the first rear axle, most tractors have a switch to lock in the third axle. a lot of newbs don't know this. It's to be used when you get stuck on a driveway or in sand. (this may have not been the case in this instance) I have also herd of drivers using this lock in method when driving in snow. I have seen drivers get stuck in a bit of dirt and there rear wheeels were spinning and all they needed to do was lock in the rear axle.
That is pretty cool you pulled out a semi truck. I bet they sure were glad! The cost of having a semi tow truck pull them out would have been about $500 big ones.
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:39 am
by quickbiker
OK, at the time it was a "Semi-truck", hahaha. The axle lock didn't help him. I could see both his axles spinning, if he had a diff locker, he may have gotten out though. He sure did tear up a few tires!
I've used my winch way more times not wheeling than I have wheeling. I've found it an invaluable tool. For example, I helped my folks out at my old homestead winching huge trees close to the house when I chain sawed them, I've winched fellow workers near my work out of ditches in snow storms, I've used my winch for restoring a car (bending back in shape) I bought that was wrecked by hitting a dear. I've used it to pull out trees in my yard to transplant them to a different spot, I've used it to help a neighbor transplant huge bushes. It's just an amazing multi-use tool. After my Dad saw it in use, he wants one for his truck. He also wants a diff locker or posi. lol
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:22 am
by HenryJ
I have yet to use mine as a landscaping tool, but much of the rest sounds familiar
A picture pulling that semi tractor out of the ditch would have been priceless!
Same as my pulling the SuperDuty out, no pictures allowed, even if you had a camera, it would have failed to expose somehow