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first deer hunt!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:04 am
by top_sgt
this weekend in kentucky was youth firearm hunt!!!! i took my son andrew saturday,,, my step son mathew on sunday!!!

andrew's first deer!!!!!!

mathew's first deer!!!!


Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:36 am
by 04crewvt
Venison for dinner anyone?
Congrats from a fellow (if unsuccessful) hunter.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:45 am
by snocat1
:clap: :rock: :clap: :nana: How many more tags do you have left.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:04 am
by HenryJ
Outstanding! Give those boys a pat on the back for me :mg:

I really have to get back into hunting. I have a soon to be six year old that needs those experiences.

I used to hunt every chance I got. Building my car and Drag racing took priority, and funds for many years. I have finally had long enough to get the racing bug out of my blood stream. Time to get back into hunting.

Thanks for sharing the photos!

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:15 am
by bubaloo1983
poor eat them right? i dunno i have never really been around hunting lol

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:27 am
by HenryJ
bubaloo1983 wrote:poor eat them right?
NEWS FLASH! Beef does not come from the grocery store. All meat is from a killed animal :mg:

There is nothing better than venison finger steaks.
Cut into strips 1-1.5" wide. Marinate in soy sauce and lemon juice. Dip in egg, roll in a flour ,salt , pepper mix. Fry in pan with 1/4" olive oil until cooked through.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:35 am
by 04crewvt
Personally I love a venison neck roast.
Take one 3-5lb neck roast place 4 slices of bacon on top with some salt and pepper . Roast at 425 until meat falls off the bone

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:22 am
by top_sgt
yes.....venison will be for dinner....many times!!!!

the boys have one tag each left....don't know if we will use them or not. i have three tags left!!! one of them is a buck tag!!! now that i have meat in the freezer................................................guess it's time to look for a nice 10 point!!!!!!!!!!!! here i come "bubba"!!!!! :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:26 am
by 04crewvt
Nice I live in the one hunter one tag state of VT. unless you are lucky enough to get a doe tag. Without a doe tag that is all I have seen in my woods, so I get to watch the scenery and hope her boyfriend comes along before I freeze solid.
You can get tags for bow and muzzleloader but I am not up for those hunts at this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:35 am
by HenryJ
You are both lucky. Oregon is currently draw only for rifle tags. Another reason I did not get back into it. If you want to hunt, it seems you must take up "throwing sticks". I am not sure I'm ready to dive into archery just yet.

I will say our Mule Deer make those look like little dogs :lol: My last doe dressed out over 70# of meat.

BTW we only count one side here. A six point is a nice deer :mg:

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:50 am
by 04crewvt
Oh but there are so many gagets to play with in archery depending on what's legal in your area. Lazer sights, releases, silencers (string) you would be able to mod to your hearts delight.Image

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:30 pm
by top_sgt
this makes three deer in 9 days that we have taken. i got a button buck a week ago this past friday with my bow!!!!!!!

it was much more fun and exciting this weekend though with the boys getting their first deer!!!!!! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:41 pm
by daevans315
I was trying to figure out what looked wrong with those pic's. It took a second but I figured it out. The barrels on the guns are too small. You must live in one of those states where you still actually use a rifle to hunt with. Here in good old Chicago, I mean IL, its shotguns with slug barrels for everything but coyotes.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:08 pm
by kwalsh
I will never forget my first hunt. It was spiritual.

Hey HenryJ, take that soy sauce and replace it with Emril puts it; "OH YEAH BABE" personal favorite are the tenderloins with minced garlic & cracked peppercorns with a hit of worcestershire :clap:

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:45 pm
by 04crewvt
Now combine all these with the dutch oven thread and we would all be eating high on the hog ( or deer in this case)Image

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:54 pm
by top_sgt
daevans315 wrote:I was trying to figure out what looked wrong with those pic's. It took a second but I figured it out. The barrels on the guns are too small. You must live in one of those states where you still actually use a rifle to hunt with. Here in good old Chicago, I mean IL, its shotguns with slug barrels for everything but coyotes.
the top photo is a weatherby 30.06(very sweet rifle),,, the bottom one is a ruger .44 mag!!!

our state herd, according to the state fish and game, is around 900,000!!! plenty to harvest!! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:58 pm
by 04crewvt
see on a t-shirt VEGITARIAN- old indian work for bad hunter. Not that I have anything against vegitarians or indians for that matter.

Hunting is a tradition that needs to be kept alive. It is only when you put the food on your table that you personally raised or in this case killed, you are a part of the natural world not just a bystander. While I have never taken a deer myself in all the years I have hunted I have been on many hunts that have been sussesful and you never get over the feelings associated with it. Pride at a successful hunt mixed with a little regret for the taking of another life. If more young people could get this feeling instead of the fake high of video game violence without the reality of the kill, we all might be in a little better world.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:12 pm
by bwenny247
nicely done! passing down the traditions of hunting, fishing, and the outdoors to today’s youth is what they need. get them off the couch, playing their video games and into the ceaselessly amazing beauty of nature.

I never feel as alive as I do when tracking an animal. every sense titillating, so finely tuned as to hear and see a pine needle drop, catching sight of a drop of blood 10 yards away, breathing faster, heart pounding, pupils dialated, muscles tense, you can almost smell the kill. reviving that primal instinct and getting in touch with the overwhelming natural high of the the thrill, the hunt, and the kill. it's something that no drug can deliver, but is just as addictive. me all worked up and ready for the season! 1 MORE MONTH :D

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:05 pm
by border man
bwenny247 wrote: I never feel as alive as I do when tracking an animal. every sense titillating, so finely tuned as to hear and see a pine needle drop, catching sight of a drop of blood 10 yards away, breathing faster, heart pounding, pupils dialated, muscles tense, you can almost smell the kill. reviving that primal instinct and getting in touch with the overwhelming natural high of the the thrill, the hunt, and the kill. it's something that no drug can deliver, but is just as addictive.
I get that feeling almost everyday but I don't kill the humans I hunt. 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:03 pm
by Walt
I prefer to use a rifle (30.06) in most of my hunting as well, but do have a shotgun for use when a rifle isn't practical.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:45 am
by WVHogRider
8) Well, tell the boys congrats...I've been busy too. I shot a wallhanger Saturday night. :bounce: What a way to start out the hunting season!!! It was a big 8pt, ( 4X for Brule), that field dressed over 200 lbs. Now I have to get the cape/head to the taxidermist. I still have two archery tags left and 5 or 6 rifle/muzzleloader tags to fill as well. Yes I shoot about 8 or so deer a year, and I fill the freezer & eat it all year long. I will post the pics. once I get the darn firewire for the camera. Sorry, but there is no neck roast from this one due to the need to leave for taxidermist. :bounce:

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:26 am
by WVHogRider
Well, here is my first of 2006. Hopefully, the rest of my hunting season will be just as good. :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:36 am
by bwenny247
woooooowsers! :shock: NICE RACK! suprised the deer fit in the bed!
dang dressed out over 200lbs, that's good eating :D

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:57 am
by top_sgt
WVHogRider wrote:Well, here is my first of 2006. Hopefully, the rest of my hunting season will be just as good. :wink:

that's what i'm after now. tell his brother to come see me!!!!!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:00 pm
by top_sgt
i will have to admit....the boys have been good about the hunt...showing respect for the animal, the enjoyment of puting meat in the freezer, and thanking the good Lord for the opportunity!!! guess i've done something right, and started them out right!!!!! :D

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:09 pm
by Walt
Did they help you dress the deer David?

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:44 pm
by top_sgt
Walt wrote:Did they help you dress the deer David?
oh yes,,,they held the legs out of the way for me. :lol:
i did most of the dressing,,,,the "smell" seemed to bother them the most. i was asked by both boys "how can you stand that??" i said i've done a few,, you just get used to it!!!! :lol:

both of them did help me skin the deer when i got home. they could stand that ok!!!!!

and mathew, my step son,, helps with making the burger!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:24 pm
by WVHogRider
Thanks Bwenny. Yeah it was an SOB to hang. Needed to use the fourwheeler to hang it after my neighbor and I messed with it for 30 mins. or so. :D

I'm glad to hear you're teaching the boys properly there Top_Sgt. :thumb: Hopefully, they'll stick with it. Hopefully you'll get a big one too, and about his brother I'll see what I can do. But no promises if I see him first. :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:54 am
by bwenny247
Walt wrote:I prefer to use a rifle (30.06) in most of my hunting as well, but do have a shotgun for use when a rifle isn't practical.
Here are our tools of the trade
top left to bottom right:
1. Mine, Savage 30-30 bolt action, 3-9X40 Bushnell scope
2. Dads, Winchester lever action 30-30 (for when you want to run and gun like a cowboy :D ) 3-9X32 Nikon
3. Dads, Savage/Winchester combination .270 bolt action, 3-9X40 Bushnell scope. this gun has yet to be fired :( but we'll change that soon enough
4. Brothers, unsure what brand old school 20 gauge break action (one shot, one kill) bead sight
and of course you need a trusty hunting knife :)

notice the camoflague fleece blanket...yeah, my girl made that for me, I'm spoiled :D

and here are the guns neatly put away in the oak gun cabinet i spent the better part of 11th grade crafting

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:22 pm
by rlrnr53
WVHogRider, where did you get that Good looking rack? There's some really good hunting in So. WV. I don't hunt but I work with a bunch of hunters, so they keep me well apprised of their hunts.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:00 am
by WVHogRider
rlrnr53 wrote:WVHogRider, where did you get that Good looking rack? There's some really good hunting in So. WV. I don't hunt but I work with a bunch of hunters, so they keep me well apprised of their hunts.
Right here in the wild and wonderful northern panhandle hills of WV. :D Just north of New Martinsville, WV on PPG Industries property.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:39 pm
by kermit
Congratulations on a successful hunt! :D
top_sgt wrote:
Walt wrote:Did they help you dress the deer David?
oh yes,,,they held the legs out of the way for me. :lol:
i did most of the dressing,,,,the "smell" seemed to bother them the most. i was asked by both boys "how can you stand that??" i said i've done a few,, you just get used to it!!!! :lol:

both of them did help me skin the deer when i got home. they could stand that ok!!!!!

and mathew, my step son,, helps with making the burger!!!
Hah! They wouldn't last long around here. We have a tradition of 'bloodying-up' after your first deer. While cleaning it, everyone gets to put some of the blood on your face.

The season opened down here (SC) on August 15, and I killed 2 six-points, one in the morning and one in the afternoon on opening day, but haven't seen anything else since then to shoot. I'm camping out this weekend with some buddies, and maybe I'll get lucky.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:42 pm
by Walt
kermit wrote:Hah! They wouldn't last long around here. We have a tradition of 'bloodying-up' after your first deer. While cleaning it, everyone gets to put some of the blood on your face.
We always dumped a bucket of it over the first-timer's head. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:37 am
by WVHogRider
Another deer down due to my High Country bow. :D I took a doe last night. The buck I posted was also taken with my bow. Oh, and Top_Sgt, I saw that buck's older brother this past Saturday, but I forgot to tell him that you wanted him to stop by. :wink: Actually, he was 30+ yards out of range for my bow. I got one archery tag left, and I guess I'll wait to see him again sometime next week. :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:49 pm
by top_sgt
deer number four in the freezer!!! it was a button buck, that i thought was a doe!!! oh well,,,,, more meat for the grill!!!! yum......yum!!!!

still looking for a "bubba"!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:37 am
by bwenny247
opening day is only 2 days away! i'm starting to toss and turn with sleepless nights and bucks running through my mind. i went out to re-bait my pile on Thursday, I found 2 fresh scrapes, droppings, worn down trails, and one pine tree that got tore up within the last 4 days :D
now for the bad news....I've got class ALL day so I can't go out opening day :cry:
good luck to all the hunters out there!

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:07 pm
by kermit
DEER #3 !!!!!!!!

shot in full stride chasing a doe "baah, baah, baah" were his last words!

6pt 16" spread 150# rutted down

one shot. one kill. right behind the shoulder ... double lung shot; rolled him like a biscuit!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:58 pm
by bwenny247
Nicely done my friend 8)

all i've seen is does and yearlings, no horns yet. my cousin got a spike, uncle passed on a 4 point, same cousin missed a 4 point with his handgun at 30 yards, different uncle missed a 6 point on the run with his handgun. buck count is way up according to the reports thus far in the season!
hopefully only a matter of time before i add to that :D

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:33 pm
by WVHogRider
Congrats Kermit! :thumb: Monday is opening day for the rifle season here in WV. :bounce: Just did my hunting laundry in the scent free stuff...Filled the slow leaking tire on the fourwheeler with Slime on Thursday, and will clean the rifle tonight after my daughter goes to bed. I can't wait. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: BWenny...I'm not sure of the deer allotment/regulations in MI, but I always take more does than bucks anyway. We have too many doe in WV and most hunters here are "TOO MANLY" to shoot a doe. Even my brother only antler hunts. Not saying that's all you're after, and remember I don't know the rules there. I find every deer a trophy...due to it being meat in the freezer. :thumb:

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:58 am
by kermit
WVHogRider wrote:I find every deer a trophy...due to it being meat in the freezer. :thumb:
I hear ya! I don't know any recipes for antlers. I just had some fried cubed steak, rice, and gravy for dinner last night... and it sure was tasty!

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:36 am
by bwenny247
We hunt state land and I know we need to take does out of the herd here, but they don't issue antlerless tags in our county. we need to bring balance to the herd but we can't. the big does eat up all the sustinance left in the good mother earth and there isn't anything left for the young yearling bucks in the dead of winter, and they die.
Trust me, i've had the cross hairs on a couple nice fat does, standing broadside at 35 yards, mmmm they sure would have tasted dandy!
GOOD LUCK to all the hunters, and stay safe!

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:57 am
by WVHogRider
bwenny247 wrote:We hunt state land and I know we need to take does out of the herd here, but they don't issue antlerless tags in our county. we need to bring balance to the herd but we can't. the big does eat up all the sustinance left in the good mother earth and there isn't anything left for the young yearling bucks in the dead of winter, and they die.

GOOD LUCK to all the hunters, and stay safe!
Understood. There are some counties around here that do the same as well.

Well, I haven't been on here in a while..Update.. :D ..Opening day, I took a typical WV 9 point buck,(not nearly as big as my 8ptr above), and I shot a doe yesterday, for a total of four deer in my freezer so far this year. Just got to finish grinding the burger meat from the two this week. Yes, I process all my own meat.

And Good luck to all you other hunters on here....I know OH and PA seasons start the Monday after Thanksgiving...So Best of Luck, and stay safe!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:22 am
by WVHogRider
top_sgt wrote:deer number four in the freezer!!! it was a button buck, that i thought was a doe!!! oh well,,,,, more meat for the grill!!!! yum......yum!!!!

still looking for a "bubba"!!!!!!!!
Hey Top, I saw Bubba last night along with two of his body guards.. :wink: ..He was 20 yards too far for me to take an accurate shot with my bow. :cry: I passed on one of his body guards. I also got to watch two small bucks fight in the field last night for about 20 minutes before Bubba and his buddies came out to brake them up. I have until Dec. 31st to hunt with the bow, so maybe I'll see him again.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:29 pm
by top_sgt
i still have untill the middle of january for boww,,,,next weekend for muzzelloader. so who knows..........maybe i'll get a chance at one of his cousins!!!!!!!! :D