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CrAzY BlAzE in four wheeler mag.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:40 am
by malkavian
Crazy blazer is in four wheel mag for this month. I readers rides.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:16 am
by coffeedrnkr
That wouldn't be my big blue pos would it????

I didn't get my new issue yet......

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:35 am
by malkavian
I am thinking its the crazy blaze at least that was the name they called it in the short write up on it. It also had the same add ons his had. It had a dana 30, home made rock sliders, and 33's , custom front bumper , and a few other things that just stood out and mady me think it was the crazy blaze.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:14 am
by coffeedrnkr
I'll have to go pick it up, I did submit it to that magazine like 6 months ago....I gave up hope in it actually showing up though

Edit: what month issue...the february issue?? I can't seem to find it...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:33 am
by malkavian
I was looking at your web site yeah its your blazer. Good pic to.

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:40 pm
by killian96ss
coffeedrnkr, that is definitely your blue Blazer on page 105 in the March 06 issue of Four Wheeler magazine. :thumb: I just got my copy today. :D


Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:44 am
by GeorgesBlazah
congrats! 4 door forever! :lol: