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The CrazyBlaze got a rear bumper

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:19 am
by coffeedrnkr
Well, I went up and bugged Duane (TechTaFab on my forum) for most of the day yesterday 8) and here is what happened :D

Ugly frame :( ... 0_4736.JPG

Bye bye frame :D

Here is the bumper after Duane put relief cuts in it and welded it back together so it follows the curve of my tailgate perfectly ... 0_4754.JPG

Almost done ... 0_4766.JPG


I gained 9" of clearance in the rear by getting rid of my stock bumper and reciever. for comparison the old bumper and reciever hung down just past the bottom of my shackles so you can see how much higher the new bumper is ... 0_4773.JPG

Fresh coat of paint dried on the freeway on my way to go test out the bumper :evil: ... 0_4780.JPG

Here is the aftermath after trying to drive across the side of a pond.........and not quite making it out the other side :oops: I didn't get any pics while we were there b/c it was already dark but it was fun
Image ... 0_4790.JPG

Duane does GREAT work as you guys have seen, give him a call at his shop called TechTaFab (913) 207-0447 or send him a pm and he will hook you up with some cool shizzle :D

P.S. Sorry HJ, I linked most of the pics and only posted 3 so dont me mad at me :hide:

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:23 am
by HenryJ
You did fine :lol:

What are you going to do for a front driveshaft?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:35 am
by coffeedrnkr
I have one that works, I just have to take it out whenever I get on the highway b/c the chevy joint has the same size bearing caps but isn't quite as wide as the d30 yoke so I am going to have to get a jeep joint/yoke welded onto the shaft.

I had it in when I went mudding I had it in but I had to drive home on side roads b/c I didn't feel like taking it out.

Long story short, I am lazy and I never got around to getting it fixed

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:38 am
by jeff024
I kinda like the Tag mount :)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:25 am
by bwenny247
coffee, you are one bad mama-jama! :rock:
:drool: the crazy blaze just keeps getting tougher!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:41 am
by HenryJ
coffeedrnkr wrote:... I just have to take it out whenever I get on the highway b/c the chevy joint has the same size bearing caps but isn't quite as wide as the d30 yoke so I am going to have to get a jeep joint/yoke welded onto the shaft...
Just pick up an adapter U-Joint. Any good driveline shop will have the U-joint that will fit the smaller chevy and have the longer Dana on the other side of the cross.
Easy as pie to install and you can adapt most anything this way.

No welding required.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:30 pm
by coffeedrnkr
Well, I checked at the one auto parts store and they said that they couldn't get it. but they used spicer brand so I think I need to find a store that uses a different brand of joints

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:38 pm
by HenryJ
You need to find a driveline builder.
You will not find the crosses that you need at a "parts store"
Do you have a Six States Distributors near you?

If you don't have a local driveline / manual transmission shop near you give them a call.

My local "driveline guru" , Harry from Connie's Service and Repair, would walk to the back room, dust off a box and hand me exactly what I need. If it didn't come as needed he would grab a couple boxes and swap caps the get the correct sizes.
I hope he lives forever. His shop has been in business for over seventy two years. He has forgotten ten times what I will ever know :thumb:

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:19 pm
by Walt
Coffee, you need some seriously larger shoes on the blazer :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:03 pm
by coffeedrnkr
I got a plan, don't worry it is in the works

I gotta get a bigger rear axle first, I already have the 7.5 at it's max, if it was an 8.5 I probably wouldn't even worry about it but it isn't so I am on the lookout for a 9" and I'm goin up to 4.88's

once I do that and the tires wear down I'll be goin to 35 or 36's

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:50 am
by quickbiker
Looks like a fun ongoing project, coffee! Yea, I think 4.88's will be perfect with 35's. That's what I'm get'n. If you plan on bigger than 35 or 36, I'd go lower. I'll have some pics when I get back and it's done. I'm sure I'm gonna really like it. I like the way the guy thinks that's doing my truck.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:24 pm
by Blaze One
i can only dream of ever having my blazer like yours. it is crazy that's for sure.