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Drug business really messes things up!
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:03 pm
by HenryJ
Went gathering some more expedition supplies and came to the realization that the drug business is really getting inconvenient.
Ever try to find the old white tip "strike on anything" matches? Drug labs need the phosphorus from the tips, so you can't find them any more. Only "strike on box" matches are available, and the box usually wears out well before 1/2 of the matches are used.
OK, so I'll grab one of those butane micro torches. But I can't find them anywhere
Finally my wife asks about one. It turns out that the crack and heroin users love them! All the torches are locked up in the electronics department.
Not even visible!
We must have a real problem around here, since there were none of the micro torches available

only large propane torches under lock and key.
It is bad enough when you have a cold , and have to seek the manager's permission to buy one capsule that MIGHT contain pseudo ephedrine, now they have taken fire away from us!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:19 pm
by F9K9
Your rant has it merits.
Nazi or bathtub meth is all over everywhere.. Consuming many a child
The news is not good but "cyrstal or ice" is making a comeback and the bath tub crank is starting to go away for the time being.
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:20 am
by top_sgt
watch the news......every week some dumb#$%^ is making crack or meth in the house with the children there!!!!!
how stupid can they be!!!!! but they are!!!!!!!
Re: Drug business really messes things up!
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:26 am
by adrenalnjunky
HenryJ they have taken fire away from us!

Take a look at what
THESE morons are trying to accomplish.......
Re: Drug business really messes things up!
Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:24 pm
by HenryJ
adrenalnjunky wrote:HenryJ they have taken fire away from us!

Take a look at what
THESE morons are trying to accomplish.......
OH GREAT! Now I am going to have to cut pizza with one of those stupid wheels?
I don't think so...I'm hiding my "Psycho" kitchen knife
Does this mean that when they outlaw kitchen knives, only outlaws will cook

Hmmm, come to think of it I won't be able to light the fire, so cooking is out of the question already

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:31 pm
by adrenalnjunky
I was thinking more along the line that once they take our pointy knives, and blunt all the scissors like kindergarteners - the world goverments will require we all wear some sort of glove or prosthetic device that prevents us from forming fists that could potentially be used for ill doing.
then the big epidemic will be pimp-slapping raging out of control.
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:19 am
by Rusty
Well, here's another thought. Since the idiots in charge are busy banning any potential "weapons" and "drug related" stuff, you can kiss the great american sport of baseball good-bye! A Louisville Slugger makes a nice "weapon". Guess that'll be next on the list.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:47 am
by coreylubahn
Rusty wrote:Since the idiots in charge are busy banning any potential "weapons" and "drug related" stuff
Don't forget that the current President is a friend of the NRA so at least we'll be able to shoot the crap out of some stuff (er, I mean hunt some things)!!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:08 pm
by Rusty
coreylubahn wrote:Rusty wrote:Since the idiots in charge are busy banning any potential "weapons" and "drug related" stuff
Don't forget that the current President is a friend of the NRA so at least we'll be able to shoot the crap out of some stuff (er, I mean hunt some things)!!

Ahh, but he's only gonna be there for a few more years and then we get to start sweating again that the next one that gets elected bans all the guns. I know the "Brady Bunch" (aka the anti-gun people) would love to see that.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:46 am
by coreylubahn
Yeah but it's kinda funny that when nothing is going on they (the Brady followers) make it seem like gun control is the most important thing in the whole wide world, but once something else goes on (a war, a minor recession, 9-11, Michael Jackson trial, whatever) you hear absolutely nothing about gun control....why? Because law-abiding citizens who purchase guns legally aren't going to blow up buildings, or mow down crowds of people (unless their child has a screw loose and takes the gun to school without permission..why no trigger locks?). Criminals aren't opposed to gun control...what do they care, the don't get them legally anyway...I still don't see what the "Brady Bunch" are so upset over. Maybe they should look into the problem with today's out of control teens, and the illegal gun trade if they want to stop gun violence...I don't plan on mowing anyone down anytime soon (but then again I buy all my guns legally...although at gun shows).
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:34 am
by F9K9
I hope everyone knows that the assault rifle and high capacity magazine ban is a thing of the past.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:51 am
by Rusty
f9k9 wrote:I hope everyone knows that the assault rifle and high capacity magazine ban is a thing of the past.

I had my Mini-14 and 2 30-round clips way before the ban!
I have no idea why anyone ever considered a Mini-14 an assault rifle though.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:05 am
by F9K9
Rusty wrote:f9k9 wrote:I hope everyone knows that the assault rifle and high capacity magazine ban is a thing of the past.

I had my Mini-14 and 2 30-round clips way before the ban!
I have no idea why anyone ever considered a Mini-14 an assault rifle though.

Ignorance as usual
There was a Government model of the mini that had a dangerous folding stock, a lethal flash suppressor and a killer bayonet lug
Like you couldn't have taped a "preban kitchen knife" to it.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:18 am
by coreylubahn
It was all about how the guns looked...."ooooh, these guns look like gangster guns so we better not sell them"....stupid people. It sucks that Brady was shot like he was....but it happens when you're in a high profile position like his (or if you're a drug runner and true gangster). My dad has a pre-ban AR15 (semi-automatic M16 for those that don't know) and a Chinese made Mak-90 (semi-automatic AK47) that he bought because he thinks they look awesome (I happen to agree) and also because they are very accurate, especially that AR15. But he also keeps them locked in a safe with trigger locks on them so if someone broke into the house they aren't getting his guns to sell on the open market or use to commit further crimes. I guess it's like they say "what some people think is gold others think is trash"...I love the look of those two guns...others think they look like gangster guns and therefore somthing only befitting a criminal. Oh well...some people are beyond help and rehibilitation.
Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:14 pm
by RocK
OK waaaay of topic.... i think. But anyway, the best answer to most of the problems in this world is not the tools of violence is the users. Where does it all start? HMMMM The parents. People need to look inward toward themselves and think my 5 year old really shouldnt be roaming the town by themselves with his/her friends. Or Could I do a better job of being a parent? Most of the time its easier to say yeah go play, and get out of my hair than it is to keep them around. I could go on and on but i am sure 90% of yall get the idea.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:08 am
by HenryJ
RocK wrote:...People need to look inward toward themselves and think my 5 year old really shouldnt be roaming the town by themselves with his/her friends. Or Could I do a better job of being a parent? ...
I know that every parent feels that there is something that they could have done better, or at least those that care do.
That is just not going to fix it though.
Everyone that I have as friends and family are not the problem. My little world does not have these problems, yet I am affected by the actions of those that I protect them from. It is indirect, but affects us all the same.
How do we deal with it? Adapt. Do I really need a small torch for soldering? Yes, and I was able to get one. Even if it was not possible to obtain could I have found another option? Sure.
It is just frustrating when you are in your happy little world and someone slaps you upside the head with restrictions , put upon you by the actions of those who do not care for themselves, or others.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:50 pm
by RocK
I think maybe some people missed where i was going. If you can get past all the bull in my post it comes down to this. Better children means a better adults. Better values when they are young are to insure better values when they are older. Not to say that competent people are the ones to blame. I have two kids and I often worry if I am doing a good job. Then one day a buddy says to me "Parents that worry about doing a good job usually do a good job." It is our job to insure that our children are brought up with the values and morals necessary to live in the world. By the way when i say "our" i mean as a society (global). I am not saying your community is the problem HJ. If a child is prejudiced whos fault is it? It is not something that is born into as a part of someone, it is learned and taught. Just like violence.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:11 pm
by HenryJ
I see where you are going, but it just isn't working.
I will grant you that better children growing up to better adults is a nice dream.
Too bad that one good apple can't make the whole barrel better. I find that the bad apple tends to spoil the whole barrel.
I am not saying , give up. I guess we will have to deal with the inconveniences that others burden us with.
We all do our best to make a better world, and hope it will make some small difference.
This is alot like the reason that this forum exisits. Making things a little better

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:13 pm
by RocK
True about the bad apples. But if you have enough good apples the bad ones are harder to smell.
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:40 pm
by HenryJ
RocK wrote:...if you have enough good apples the bad ones are harder to smell.
True, but big brother protects us and says if I smell a bad apple none of you can be in the barrel, hence my dilemma.