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Detroit Electrac

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:15 am
by Rusty
Anyone have any experience with (or know anyone who does) with the Detroit Electrac diffs? I was looking at them as an alternative idea to ARB's air lockers but the closest thing to an "unbiased opinion" I could find was on the Pirate4x4 site and they had nothing nice at all to say about them. All the magazine sites raved about the electracs but just like any new product review, I figure they are getting paid big bucks to rave about them. When I get my project going again, I'll probably go with the ARB's because they are tried and proven but I'm curious about Detroit's version.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:00 pm
by a2b
ya i aint familiar, but what is the deal with them? why did the guys on pirate not like them? how do they work

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:24 pm
by Rusty
Well, from what I could gather by all the discussions on other forums, the Electracs don't hold up very well. I also read that it was very slow to shift out of locked position. One of the things I didn't like was the actuator is mounted on the diff cover and is made of plastic. It has a "shield" but a direct hit would probably take it out. Also, how well does the actuator handle being under water? I have also read many comments where a snapped axle will take out a Detroit (both the Electrac and the regular locker) but the ARB can handle it Ok. (I'm sure Paul will jump in here any minute now!) All I know is ARB's have been around for over 20 years but the Electracs are fairly new and unproven. Kind of a shame really because on paper, the Electrac sounds great.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:01 pm
by a2b
ya i know axels will take out the detroits. it must not work like an arb. an arb is like open or spooled.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:16 am
by Rusty
One of the things about the Electrac that I thought was kinda slick is the way it operates. When unlocked, it works like a torsen type diff which is a gear driven limited slip with no clutch packs. From what I have read, it's the only type of limited slip you can use on the front that doesn't effect steering or handling (but there's a great deal of debate on that too). The ARB is totally open when unlocked. Also, the Electrac doesn't need air to operate but if the ARB is installed properly (and you use good braided steel lines instead of the crappy plastic ones) they should have no trouble.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:54 am
by a2b
GaryH wrote: When unlocked, it works like a torsen type diff .
and thats why the whole carrier goes when an axel goes and mabey the tcase too :shock:

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:25 pm
by Rusty
a2b wrote:
GaryH wrote: When unlocked, it works like a torsen type diff .
and thats why the whole carrier goes when an axel goes and mabey the tcase too :shock:
What's the old saying? "The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain"? :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:21 pm
by Warnoffroad
a2b wrote:
GaryH wrote: When unlocked, it works like a torsen type diff .
....... and mabey the tcase too :shock:
i was wondering about how much a case can hold, chuck and my buddy that owns jeepersden say that if your running low enough gears you shouldnt have to worrie about drive shafts or the case as much.
I too was wondering about the new electric lockers for the blazer, or atleast some type of selectable locker. whats the scoop on those eaton? lockers. I dont remember the video was on here a while ago, with the red f150 on the rocks and it did that thing on how it works and he pushed the red button on his dash or w/e. whats wrong with those? I hear not too good things about ARB the company, my jeeper buddy that has a buddy that is a distributer for ARB said that every year you have to pull the locker out and service it or it goes bad or they screw you out of a warrenty or something along those lines.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:14 am
by Rusty
Warnoffroad wrote:
a2b wrote:
GaryH wrote: When unlocked, it works like a torsen type diff .
....... and mabey the tcase too :shock:
i was wondering about how much a case can hold, chuck and my buddy that owns jeepersden say that if your running low enough gears you shouldnt have to worrie about drive shafts or the case as much.
I too was wondering about the new electric lockers for the blazer, or atleast some type of selectable locker. whats the scoop on those eaton? lockers. I dont remember the video was on here a while ago, with the red f150 on the rocks and it did that thing on how it works and he pushed the red button on his dash or w/e. whats wrong with those? I hear not too good things about ARB the company, my jeeper buddy that has a buddy that is a distributer for ARB said that every year you have to pull the locker out and service it or it goes bad or they screw you out of a warrenty or something along those lines.
Hmm. First time I've ever heard that about ARB's. Most people I've talked to have never had to do anything with them. Interesting. I like the idea of having a selectable locker too. It's funny but I'll probably never even use the front one that much, if at all, but I'd rather have selectable lockers front and rear, just in case. As the old saying goes, "Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them". The T-Case is gonna be another issue. I want to run a NP242 out of a Cherokee because I like having the full time 4 wheel option as well as a 2wd position. It's kinda the "swiss army knife" of transfer cases but it's not exactly the strongest thing out there. I'm going to be running 4.56 or maybe even 4.88 gears so hopefully that will take some of the stress off of it. I also decided on a 305 TBI instead of the 350 TPI LT1 because it's cheaper, easier to find, I don't really need all the power and it will save me from a lot of broken parts (and a few speeding tickets). Heck, all I really need is a 4.3 but I like the sound of a V8 and it's about the same amount of work to swap from a 2.8 anyway, so why not?

(Yeah, I know. I'm overthinking the plumbing!)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:23 pm
by a2b
Warnoffroad wrote:I hear not too good things about ARB the company

there is nothing bad about the arb. if you dont want spooled or open, then its not for you. but for everyone else, arb is the standard, esp when climbing rocks

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:07 pm
by quickbiker
DETROIT LOCKERS RULE!!! Just put it in and forget about it! Detroit's got about the best rep out there. If something breaks, it won't be the locker. :P

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:26 am
by Rusty
quickbiker wrote:DETROIT LOCKERS RULE!!! Just put it in and forget about it! Detroit's got about the best rep out there. If something breaks, it won't be the locker. :P
I have a feeling this could become a very hotly debated subject. I think I'll go hide under a table before I get hit with a flying barstool! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:06 am
by a2b
quickbiker wrote:DETROIT LOCKERS RULE!!! Just put it in and forget about it! Detroit's got about the best rep out there. If something breaks, it won't be the locker. :P

yes, detriots rule and are great!............but as far toys are concerned, axels snapping is pretty common, and once the axel goes, it automatically breaks the detriot :(

all lockers are different and serve different purposes for different vehicles. i dont know of really one BAD locker out there

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 12:55 pm
by Justin
i believe ford may be putting detroit electrac's in some of their super duty 2005's....

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:23 pm
by Rusty
Like I said, this is the about the only thing I could come up with that I didn't like about the electrac:


Something about that actuator hanging out like that bothers me. Just seems a bit breakable.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 6:20 pm
by Justin

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 6:25 pm
by Justin
read page 2 options include 35" tire wheel package and the harley option of painting the frame

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:19 am
by Rusty
Considering all the problems I had with the last Ford I owned (emphasis on "LAST"), I would say that just because Ford is going to use the Electrac doesn't mean it's a good thing. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:56 am
by Justin
Fix Or Repair Daily.... But every manufacturer has problems. I loved the stripped down base 2000 F-350 powerstroke with the 7.3...No problems and that thing could pull

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:50 am
by Rusty
Justin wrote:Fix Or Repair Daily.... But every manufacturer has problems. I loved the stripped down base 2000 F-350 powerstroke with the 7.3...No problems and that thing could pull

I actually have another acronym for Ford, but since Brule insists that this should be a "family type" website, I won't say it! :lol:

Having owned just about every brand of car made (including a lot of foreign made stuff), you're right. They ALL have their problems.

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:09 am
by HenryJ
GaryH wrote:
Justin wrote:Fix Or Repair Daily....

I actually have another acronym for Ford, but since Brule insists that this should be a "family type" website, I won't say it! :lol: ....
Let me guess..."F'd" Over Rebuilt Dodge? ;)
I always say there is nothing wrong with a Ford, they are second best :D

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:17 am
by Rusty
HenryJ wrote:Let me guess..."F'd" Over Rebuilt Dodge? ;)
Something like that! :lol:

I remember stumbling onto a website once that had one for just about every kind of car made. I think they even had one for Studebaker! It was pretty funny but I've long since lost the link and can't find it anymore.