Rotopax... Anyone?

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Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

I figured if any one has any experience with rotopax gas cans it would be Brule. It won let me search for some reason.... I'm looking at a set of rotopax for my Atv... But it'll be pricey... Like wayyy too much.... (2 - 2 gallon cans and universal mount). Any one had any experiance with em to tell me if they are worth the astronomical price?
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Re: Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by HenryJ »

I have one on the back of the TW200.


It is the early model , pre-calif emissions. I found it on ebay with the mount for a good price. Later models have no vent cap. They had lots of problems with leakage too.
They are built sturdy for sure. If mounted upright, the leakage problems are less of an issue. Maybe all that is resolved now? Dunno?

Overall I like them. Are they worth the extra $$? That is a tough one. I think an oversized fuel tank is a better investment. I would do that first. Is it handy to have a can mounted. Sure. It has saved the day more than once.

If you are looking to buy, search Expedition Portal. I think there was a member discount from someone. I don't recall what the deal was and if it was a good savings. Worth investigating though.
What have you found for pricing? What were you going to buy?

Have you thought about the fuel bladders? Those in a carry box, or bag might be an option?

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Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

Might have to make two posts out of this. Hard to multi task on the phone. I don't believe a larger tank is a option on my grizzly. Not sure about fuel bladder... I'll research that though.

Koontz brand tanks are junk. I read that, and a buddy has a koplin tank that leaks. I couldn't read an instance online about a leaking rotopax. Only praise.

That's the wife on my grizzly.

I could carry a can in my box, but I don't wanna carry a gas can in a box where I also carry food. Plus I usually carry other peoples junk. And it's full of straps, clevises, air compressor, etc etc.

This is how I want to carry it ( I have also seen pictures of carrying a single 2 gallon on the center of the rack, I like that, but wonder if I should just go with 2 so I can still have a large flat surface to put stuff on and 4 gallons total).
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Rotopax... Anyone?

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That's what I mean by one can, but I think two for a large flat area is the better deal.

I found a discount code for 10%,
two 2 gallon cans, $120,
Universal mount $75
Extra gaskets $2
First aid kit (need one) $25

With shipping and discount its like $215.

They look awesome, well made, just crazy pricing. As far as pricing, everyone that sells em has a contract to sell at a set price :/
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Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

Auto correct error in first reply, Koontz means Koplin.
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Rotopax... Anyone?

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Also, googling that site I found a code for 15%, better than the 10% I found!
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Re: Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by HenryJ »

I am getting the Kolpin and Rotopax confused. My apology. Scrap the bladder idea. You box is too valuable for other things.

Looking at the final price tag and your mounting option, I'd do it. $200 is a reasonable price to extend the range. Sure it is a tough pill to swallow, but there really are not similar options.

I like the two large flat area too. Looking at alternatives, you have found the best answer for your application.

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Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

I'd say you are correct. It's also hard to justify, since I have yet to really need it, but that's why it's there, just in case. I have done the math, I should get like 65 miles to a tank, I haven't been on a trip over 50 miles yet. But again, we could get out, tuned around at the limit of gas, and run out. Or a buddy need gas. Or stranded person needs some.

But it's like me, we kinda have the same mindset when it comes to venturing out brule, prepared. lol. But, you would beat me, lol. My buddy was saying how i am usually prepared.

I'm working to slowly expand my gear for the Atv.
I have,
Tire repair kit (need wd40 and lighter for a on the trail tire mounting just in case)
Slime air compressor.
2 recovery straps, tree saver, 3 clevesis (sp?), 2 snatch blocks.
some tools, but not near enough.
Plastic bags
Usually food and cooler.

Just bought/have within the week.
Decent first aid kit
2 aquamaria (sp?) frontier filter/straw type water filters.
Atv jumper cables.
4 gallons of gas (rotopax)

Probably should get a phone charger to throw in there incase.

Should be a decent kit. Should be enough there to get you through a unexpected night stay. Plus around where we ride for the most part, you are only a few miles from a road somewhere. Not quite as lonely as out west.
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Re: Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by HenryJ »

I think you would fit in just right out here. 200 miles is a sweet spot. Having that you will be fine. I have our bikes set up for 250 miles or more. The truck more than twice that.

I think you have the list nailed. I carry a bike cover in one of the tractor manual cases,


Just one of the cheap ebay $10 bike covers. They smash down very compact and can be used as a makeshift shelter in a pinch.

The TW200 and Tach's KLX both kick start. I figure I can bump start a KLR if I need to. Have you thought about adding a second battery to the Grizzly? Might be good insurance.

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Re: Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

Good idea with the bike cover. I should add a hatchet to that list, and i forgot i have a magnessium fire starter tool in there.

I havent thought about a second battery... Where to put one would be the question.... theres a compartment under the seat, but I dont think itll hold a battery off hand,,, I never use it, but it would be a good place for some of that stuff listed above.

I wish I had a picture, last weekend we were riding. 6 on ATVs, and a RZR-S. We were worried about the rzr and tight trails and fallen trees. Sure enough, 5 minutes into it a fallen tree. We about turned around and the RZR decided to winch to it. So, out of every one there, most have winches, but only I carry the right straps and tools. I set up his winch with a treesaver and clevis. he pulls, budges some. So it was decided to hook a atv to him to help pull.

The thought in my head, I wouldnt use my winch in such a manner, but hey its not mine. So i used another strap and clevis and hooked up the second atv. it moved more, not enough. So then the third atv, someone got out a tow strap with hook on it, and hooked it to the ball on his atv before I could get my last strap out. I expressed concern but just stepped away, :shock: :eyes:

Anyways, 3 atvs pulling on one tree, it finally moved anough to get past and at that point his winch made a funny noise, lol. It was a kodak moment, but I was busy hooking every one up, lol.

Few of the same guys are going on a night ride tonight becuase its hot as heck here. But wife says i cant, lol. I still would, but i went last weekend and shes working all day. so, ill wait till next time. :punch:
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Re: Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

I dont think I posted these here, but this was a good day, all day long, but only like 20 miles. There was better video moments, but we didnt catch em

I went first, and got stuck right at the end, it was bad. Had to winch out, lol.
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Re: Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by HenryJ »

The second battery could be put in the back box, or most anywhere. A sealed 12V battery like might be found inside a Jumpstart pack would work. You can buy those at NAPA. They run about $25. The connectors and 6-8 gauge wire with terminals will cost about as much. Get as big a battery as you think you might need and have room for. Use Anderson Pole quick connectors to attach it to the Grizzly. Wire one in to your battery and locate the plug where ever is convenient. Choose a battery with connections that are simple to attach some wires. You could pad the battery with some neoprene and tape it up to protect it , if you don't mount it in your box. Set up a small set of jumper cables with a quick connector too. You can plug it into the Grizzly to jump start, or your new spare battery. It will come in very handy.

I have been liking the versatility of a good machete. Those have seen more use than the Axe lately. I carry a Fisfars camp axe. I think a Zombie War Sword is next on my wish list.
The TrailBlazer take-down saw is a must have. That is a fantastic tool.

Great videos!

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Rotopax... Anyone?

Post by fallvitals »

I didn't mean to not reply to your post, I forgot, lol. Sorry if it seemed rude.

That's a good idea on the back up battery like that... Sounds like a easier to accomplish idea then a 2nd battery. Plus, my grizzly doesn't have a back up pull start, like my buddy's king quads. I did get a set of jumper cables though. And I did get a hatchet from my grandfathers garage to throw in my box yesterday.

But I got my rotopax. deliverded by FedEx (if you recall I'm a ups delivery dude). The FedEx guy was a dick. I was cutting grass, he pulled up, I meet him, as a joke I said "Hey UPS, ... Dont ya love that?". Dude looked at me weird turned away and kinda chuckled under his breath. What a dick. Obviously a joke, I was gonna bs with him for a second and offer a Gatorade. Whatever, must suck working Saturdays, ha. Even on my worst days I always ask everyone I see how are the doing and junk. Even if I know I don't like em, lol. Anyways, rant over.

Well I was gonna upload a picture of my bounty but, this tapatalk app isn't doing it at the moment...
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Rotopax... Anyone?

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Now it did... Odd.