About my lack of participation here.

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About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

I usually am very "closed" when it comes to my personal life. Since my personal life is affecting the amount of time that I spend here, as a moderator, an explanation is warranted. Brule is aware of the basics but, maybe not all.

I'm still not comfortable discussing our current situation so, I am going to cut and paste a few things from the private section of my off road club's discussion of the situation. Please excuse my wife's grammar. Chemo, while necessary, is a very strong poison to us who, battle cancer. Memory and other mental functions are temporarily affected.

For those that wheel or want to wheel have heard me preach about joining a local club. Sometimes, it pays off when you aren't on the trails, as well.

From The Kentucky Krawlers
Reeko wrote:Folks,

I am posting this here on the paid side as I don't feel I should be the one to post it for everyone to see on the WWW.

Troy, my father and I have been trying to come up with a way to help Reed and Anita out a bit since she is in need of cancer treatments that are not currently covered under their insurance and will have to go to Huston, Texas for at least a month.

As I don't claim to know the first thing about breast cancer, I will soon be learning and would like the rest of the club to learn and help out.

So Anita and Reed have given me the green light to help organize a fundraiser and we are in the very beginning stages with nothing at all concrete at the moment.

Tentatively we are hoping to do a show and shine type fundraiser hopefully in London (I am going to talk to Bill about maybe at Advance Auto). Troy and I were talking and we are roughly targeting the weekend after Labor day to put on this event. We are thinking a show and shine/car show with no trophies, dash plaques or the like. Also, since some of us know a lot of people in the car show world we are thinking to advertise with the other car types to try and get as many people to come as possible and donate.

I would very much like feedback as we need to get this moving ASAP.

I pulled this off of the web in preparation for Anita's email to me below.

Please note Anita is very grateful to the Kentucky Krawlers!

erall Stage Grouping is also referred to as Roman Numeral Staging. This system uses numerals I, II, III, and IV (plus the 0) to describe the progression of cancer.

* Stage 0 carcinoma in situ.
* Stage I cancers are localized to one part of the body.
* Stage II cancers are locally advanced.
* Stage III cancers are also locally advanced. Whether a cancer is designated as Stage II or Stage III can depend on the specific type of cancer; for example, in Hodgkin's Disease, Stage II indicates affected lymph nodes on only one side of the diaphragm, whereas Stage III indicates affected lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm. The specific criteria for Stages II and III therefore differ according to diagnosis.
* Stage IV cancers have often metastasized, or spread to other organs or throughout the body.


Anita Coyle Wetter

Reed told me what you all were wanting to do with a fundraiser. That is so nice of you to offer. Please don't feel obligated to do it. As for right now with the insurance and treatments around here we are managing very well. It is the trip to Texas that has us unsure and the fact that we are going to have to change to different insurance during open enrollment in Nov. so that I can be seen wherever I need to be seen because there are so few that treat my kind of cancer. The new insurance will have higher everything from what I can tell now.
If you all would like to do something to help with the trip to Texas and put it into a medical fund for that purpose that is fine with us. We've been saving so that when I get the ok to go that I can. I currently have turned my appeal over to the Ky Insurance Commission and waiting to hear if they can do something with the insurance company. If that doesn't come to be then the plan is to go after we change at the first of the year to another company. It may not do any good to go there, but I can always hope.
On a side note I thought I would just put it out there because I know Reed doesn't know how to say it, but you know I'm the blunt one....LOL!! I am considered terminal with being stage IV. The first oncologist even though I responded well to the chemo sent me home and told me to decide how I wanted to spend the time I had feeling good. My new oncologist says she thinks we maybe can talk a few years not months. There is no cure for me as of right now, but the hope with the all of us is that I can stay in remissions enough even though I may go through treatments for different cancers that they will discover something or that I will beat the odds. The reason I am explaining this is to tell you how thankful I am that the Krawlers have been there for Reed. He doesn't have much family and as things progress and we have the ups and downs he has people that get his mind off of things for a while at a time. Please convey my thanks to everyone for that!!!!

Please post up with your feedback as we need to get this ball rolling now.
troybrockman wrote:As Eric has said, we WILL make this happen.

There's no quit in the Krawlers. I've seen that on the trail.

There's no quit in Anita or Reed, either.

I can only imagine the strength necessary to continue to persevere. But she has that strength. I can only imagine taking such a beautiful person as a bride, only to have the threat of loosing her to this scourge become an immediate concern. Reed's love and devotion is evident, and admirable.

I can imagine losing a good friend, and Anita is just that. But I cannot imagine doing so without putting up a fight first. That is what we will do.

Much of what lies ahead is out of our hands, but we will not set idle.

We will pray. But prayer without action, without sacrifice, without effort, will ring hollow.

We will shed tears. I will openly admit that Annette and I have already done such. Both tears of sorrow when we found out the news, and tears of joy as we have learned of the progress made.

We will get angry. Let's channel that anger into something positive. The Wetter's have, and we look to them as an example.

We ask this: Put forth the effort necessary. Work with us. Use whatever talents you have at your disposal. Give freely of all that you can.

We humbly ask this, as the Wetter's are friends to us all, asking for nothing of us, but deserving our best.
F9K9 wrote:Thanks, Eric and Troy. This is really something that you need to share with your female family members, your wife or girlfriend. IBC, or inflammatory breast, doesn't show up in mammograms. They want to change the age of starting mammograms from 40 yr old to 50 yr old women. We're lucky that a doctor, who has never had an IBC patient, picked up on her condition. She was 45 and from what we are told, it is to late to perform a mastectomy because the horse is already out of the barn door and there is no sense in closing it now. She is undergoing chemo now, every three weeks. That is to keep the estrogen level down because that is what IBC feeds off of.

Any fundraiser proceeds will be put into a medical account for her trip to MD Anderson in Houston, TX. If, that doesn't come to pass then we will insure that it goes to IBC research or for travel related expenses that the other three KY IBC patients may incur.


I want to thank everyone for their support and interest whether, this comes to fruition or not.
SweetPee wrote:Wow! I am speechless, but I know one thing... I'm down to do what ever I can! I just don't know what to say about things like this. Never do! But I can tell you also that I will continue to pray every night like i have every night since I first learned about Anita's troubles.
sewerat wrote:We need to start getting our act together if we are going to do something, time is something we don't have. Some one needs to talk to Wal Mart in London if that is where we are going to have it, Wal Mart is very good for fund raisers, they will let you use there lot, plus most of the time they will also donate door prizes. I can make up the flyers once we decide what is going on, we need to get the flyers done and out there so people can make there calendars. I still have a lot of friends in the car show arena, so I will see if I can get some favors going. EVERYONE if we do nothing else in our life time we need to do this. The money we raise may mean life or death. Contact me anytime and we can work on this 859 xxx-xxxx thanks everyone Dan
Reeko wrote:Alright guys, we are tentatively scheduled at Advance Auto in London on Sept 10th thanks to Partsjockey. He also had another suggestion of Somerset's Summer Night Cruise but I am not sure we have the resources available to pull that one off at this point. Bill will have the final approval later this week but we are pretty much a go.

For anyone that wants to help out, please show up this Saturday if you can and we start coming up with a plan for the rest.

We all know people that know people so time to start calling favors.

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Reeko wrote:Ok - we are a go for Advance Auto on the 10th. Bill can arrange parking for tow rigs and trailers at the other end of the parking lot at K-Mart.

Reed - any objections if this thread gets moved to the open forum or if we start a new thread?

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F9K9 wrote:
Reeko wrote:.........Reed - any objections if this thread gets moved to the open forum or if we start a new thread?.....
None, Eric. Thank you from Anita and I.
Hopefully, I can get on here a little more often when, things calm down. :roflmao:
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by roadrunner »

Reed, My thoughts and prayers are with you and Anita. As a cancer survivor myself I can certainly empathize. Hang in there and keep a positive hopeful attitude. Best wishes. Larry
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by HenryJ »

Here is hoping that things never "slow down" for you two. I mean that in a good way. :)
Keep that roller coaster running!
You have a very eloquent bunch in those Krawlers. I have no doubt that your influence reaps such rewards.
You know that our thoughts are always with you both.

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by killian96ss »

Reed, don't worry about time not spent here, your wife deserves all your time now. In some ways I know what your going through. My grandfather currently has prostate cancer, my wifes mother beat breast cancer, her grandmother beat colon cancer, but her grandmothers sister has stage IV cancer that has spread to almost every part of her body and is on borrowed time. I hate cancer! There is supposedly a company that has developed "warrior cells" that directly attack cancer cells without harming the good cells in your body. If I can find the name of that company I will post it here. I heard of this company through an investment site that recommended buying their stock, before it goes crazy. I'm not good with words when it comes to things like this, so all I can say is stay strong and positive for Anita because she will need it, and both of you will be on my mind and in my prayers.

PM sent regarding info for that cancer reseach company.

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

Thank you, Brule, Steve and Larry.

Anita has a pretty short bucket list and I will try to fulfill that this fall if, we can swing it. She's been a horse lover/shower/rider all her friggin' life. BUT, I screwed up and let her see our Moab trip photos from a few yrs ago. She's bookmarked Brule's and Jack's photos and looks at them almost daily. If, TX falls through then I am taking her there. I know that Brule and his crew will meet up with us but, I want to extend a heartfelt invite to all past and current CC members.

Timing is gonna suck with advance warning but, You guys will understand.

This was my first forum and I want to extend my heartfelt "thank you" to all of you that have participated.........past and present.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by rlrnr53 »

Reed, family is the most important thing we have. Your wife will be in our thoughts and prayers. I know to some extent what you are feeling, as my mother-in-law passed away from lung cancer a few years ago, and my brother-in-law is under going treatment for cancer now. Do what you have to do for your wife, and have a positive attitude. That along with faith can sometimes do more than doctors.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by okaussie »

On top of the recent problems with my 2002 CC, my wife too has Cancer.

She has Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, which you may not know is a blood born cancer. We have been fighting it for three years. Has been off Chemo for three months and go back to the oncologist in August to see where we stand.

I totally get where you all are coming from..

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by HenryJ »

Jeez! This cancer think it really out of control. My little sister has breast cancer. I haven't heard her latest prognosis. Last I heard it was far advanced enough that the cure might be worse than the disease. Not what you want to hear.

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

HenryJ wrote:Jeez! This cancer think it really out of control. My little sister has breast cancer. I haven't heard her latest prognosis. Last I heard it was far advanced enough that the cure might be worse than the disease. Not what you want to hear.
I am very sorry to hear that, Brule. It really is merciless! I hope that it is not IBC. If, she is into FB, have her contact Anita Coyle Wetter and make a friend request. You can PM me her name and Anita can invite her. Anita has a "group" on FB so, her young relatives are not exposed to all of the nitty gritty.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by Walt »

Reed, we will be praying for you and your wife. My mother is a breast cancer survivor by 3 years. 3 of her 4 sisters have had it as well. If there's anything we can do, please let me know.

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by HenryJ »

F9K9 wrote:I am very sorry to hear that, Brule. It really is merciless! I hope that it is not IBC. If, she is into FB, have her contact Anita Coyle Wetter and make a friend request. You can PM me her name and Anita can invite her. Anita has a "group" on FB so, her young relatives are not exposed to all of the nitty gritty.
Thank you. She is very "set in her ways" (not sure where she gets that? ;) )
She has "her" plan and has done research. It is an unorthodox approach and I get the feeling most of the family thinks that she is doing the wrong thing.
It is her life to live and she is not a stupid person.
Our family is not all that close. I am sort of the black sheep , so I may not be "in" on what is happening. I will support her on what ever choice she makes. Well to the point where it gets "stupid" anyway :lol:

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by 04crewvt »

I knew through FB a little of what you were going through. I am glad you are fighting and hanging tough to try and beat this. While not a prayer person I certainly will keep you in my thoughts. My mom was also hit with breast cancer and has been cancer free for nearly 15 years now so I also have been affected by this scourge of modern life. Good luck
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by 14x4 »

I am very sorry to hear about this, Reed. You and your wife will be in my thoughts.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

Thank you, Brian and Mike. The really weird thing is that most women have not heard of IBC and we need to make more of them aware. How we go about accomplishing that is something that Anita and I am struggling with.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

This thing has really grown legs and is running pretty well. Been posted on a bunch of off road forums including Pirate.

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by Horsehammerr »

Reed, My wife Lorry, and I have been through a similar ordeal. She was given the breast cancer words June 1997. After surgery she went through one chemotheropy treatment , which she felt almost killed her. On her own Faith, with prayer and Knowing that God does heal, she refused further treatment and has tested cancer free for fourteen years. We have from the beginning done what we can to support all those afflicted through the American Cancer Society. Please give them a call, they are there for you and Anita . They may have help unrealized. We are thinking of you and sending our prayers up for your needs and support. Best To You Both, Chuck & Lorry
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by roadrunner »

I'm sure you have your preferences as to medical advice but I thought I'd throw this out to you. During my fairly recent run-in with cancer I was impressed with both the compassion and frank forthright medical advice I got from Cancer Treatment Centers of America. While it's true I did not utilize their treatments I was none the less impressed with the frank discussions on my personal condition and it did have a bearing on my personal choice for treatment. Additionally their treatments include not only the traditional surgery, chemo, and radiation but alternatives outside these regimens as well.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

Thanks guys, we appreciate it. We have been all over the map with research and contacting different agencies. The cancer society has been super to us. The Susan B Komen is decent too but, both are devoting so little research monies to IBC that it's almost laughable. We're in contact with MD Anderson, several times a week and they are working with us. They will prescribe therapy for our doctors here but, we need to get there and cover their test costs. A simple PET scan is 6K and they want to run several other tests. I am amazed at the costs of everything. Her chemo treatments were 25K for each one. Her maintenance hormone treatment is 10K every 3 weeks and that is for the rest of her life. Going to Knoxville in 2 weeks to see if, she is still in remission. We'll go from there depending on her results. May have to start chemo again and think about the mastectomy if, she is not in remission.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

I want to give an update and a thanks here. Our club president's words expressed how the entire club felt and I am simply stunned.
troybrockman wrote:As Eric has said, we WILL make this happen.

There's no quit in the Krawlers. I've seen that on the trail.

There's no quit in Anita or Reed, either.

I can only imagine the strength necessary to continue to persevere. But she has that strength. I can only imagine taking such a beautiful person as a bride, only to have the threat of loosing her to this scourge become an immediate concern. Reed's love and devotion is evident, and admirable.

I can imagine losing a good friend, and Anita is just that. But I cannot imagine doing so without putting up a fight first. That is what we will do.

Much of what lies ahead is out of our hands, but we will not set idle.

We will pray. But prayer without action, without sacrifice, without effort, will ring hollow.

We will shed tears. I will openly admit that Annette and I have already done such. Both tears of sorrow when we found out the news, and tears of joy as we have learned of the progress made.

We will get angry. Let's channel that anger into something positive. The Wetter's have, and we look to them as an example.

We ask this: Put forth the effort necessary. Work with us. Use whatever talents you have at your disposal. Give freely of all that you can.

We humbly ask this, as the Wetter's are friends to us all, asking for nothing of us, but deserving our best.
The benefit was yesterday. The publicity was low keyed and mainly through FB and off road forums. The turn out astounded me. The threat of rain never happened and the weather was beautiful. A couple drove 6 hours to be there and donate some heavy duty custom made rock sliders. I can't begin to organize my thoughts here, sorry. We had raffle donations for a custom $1000 roll cages from a fabricator to framed photo prints from an Asst US Attorney. The music was awesome, the turnout was great and we got over $3500 in donations from the event.

The good news is I got my insurance changed to help her and she has an appointment at MD Anderson in Houston TX the 21st of this month. The money will help with the airfare, room and food for the first stint there.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by HenryJ »

Congrats. You are both on our thoughts daily.

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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by rlrnr53 »

Reed, good luck to you and Anita! I hope that good news is forthcomming.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by roadrunner »

Glad to hear some things are working out for you. We're all pulling for you and Anita here.
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by F9K9 »

Thank you for everyone's well wishes and prayers. I'll post up any major events but, I did want you guys to know why I didn't check in on a regular basis. I should have a little more time now. :rah:
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Re: About my lack of participation here.

Post by rlrnr53 »

Take care of things at home first and foremost.
2001 Polo Green Metallic, no mods,(can't afford any)[/size]