What type of emergency gear do you guys normally carry???

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What type of emergency gear do you guys normally carry???

Post by adrenalnjunky »

I'm talking about on a dialy basis, not just when going on a trip or trail ride?

I've got a Blazer so my space is a little more of a premium to me.

I'm trying to put together a decent little kit -- all I normally carry now is jumpercables, channellocks, screwdriver combos, maglight, small basic first aid kit. Fire extinguisher is being added soon, I normally carry one of those little automotive ones. Oh yeah, and my cellphone.

Suggestions anyone?
[size=75]Thanks, CHRIS
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Post by smokinjoe »

i personally carry spare fuses,a lighter,wet matches, a leatherman,small tool set that has glo sticks(safer than flares,not as fun :cry: )first aid kit, cables,hose tape and clamps,collapseable water bag, gas siphon, a small improved st i got from wal mart for 20 bucks and just added some other stuff to it, thats what i recommend i put one in my fiance's car for day to day stuff, i nedd to get a tow rope but that's not really something i need everyday
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Post by adrenalnjunky »

Good suggestions -- thanks -- yeah I do have a tow strap and some ratcheting tie-downs as well--forgot to mention that.
[size=75]Thanks, CHRIS
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Post by a2b »

ya, the first thing i have is a tow rope.

growing up in lousisana, i was always pulling over and towing people out of ditches or flooded roads. i never use the tow rope for myself.

but i do have 2 of them. one with hooks and one without.

you could also add a CB. that would be good too. i have permantly installed.

i also carry gallon of water and anti freeze and oil....once again, not for me but for others if they have trouble on the side of the road.

i too have a mag light, but so far i have used to almost beat somebody with it, but the cops interviened before i could get there :wink:
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Post by a2b »

oh i forgot.

a gun.

to finish off road kill
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Post by AZS10Crew »

a2b wrote:oh i forgot.

a gun.

Would any self-respecting LA driver be without one? :D
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Post by NTXCrew »

I almost beat a guy with a Maglight, too. He was looking in the bathroom window where my wife lived at the time when were engaged. :twisted:
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Post by a2b »

NTXCrew wrote:I almost beat a guy with a Maglight, too. He was looking in the bathroom window where my wife lived at the time when were engaged. :twisted:

oh my....dude, i would go insane if that happen to me. he would be a dead man
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Post by barch97 »

on a somewhat related subject...

I keep a mag-lite in my truck. I don't use it often but, when I need it... I know it's there. I paid a substantial amount more for a "mag-lite" than I would have for a cheapo plastic flashlight for the sole reason that I want to be sure that when I NEED it, it will WORK. Well, apparently the heat of inside my truck the past few weeks was too much for it. The 3 D cell energizer batteries inside split open and leaked what appears to be a white powdery dry substance along with a rust colored sticky fluid throughout the interior of it's battery chamber.

I chose energizer batteries for the same reason I chose mag-lite. I didn't want to scrimp. I wanted the piece of mind of knowing that it would be there at the ready when I needed it.

Luckily I discovered this minor catastrophe before I actually NEEDED the light. I'm going to be visiting a new job site this morning and I'm not sure if there will be electricity available. So, in preparation for this assignment, I checked all the equipment I might need to have handy and discovered this mess of corrosive agents.

Being prepared for almost anything, I of course had another flashlight in the house that I'll be bringing along.

My question is...

Does anyone know what mag-lite's or energizer's policies are regarding such unfortunate mishaps? Do they stand behind their products with any degree of warranty/guarantee? Do they care about maintaining their product's respected reputations? Or, am I just out $20 on the light and what... another $5 for 3 D cells?
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Post by adrenalnjunky »

I'm betting you can field-strip the Maglite and clean it up with some mineral spirits or something -- make sure you pull allof the orings and seals out first.

It may not be pretty but I bet it's still usable. If the reflector or lens is damaged you should be able to order those through maglite or a maglite dealer.
[size=75]Thanks, CHRIS
2000 S10 Blazer 4x4 4Dr. -- 2" PA BodyLift, Daystar Shackles, TB Crank, 1.75" Rear wheel spacers, Yakima roofrack, 30" BFG AT's.
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Post by barch97 »

Yeah, I'm pretty optimistic about being able to save the maglite. I'm just annoyed with the poor quality of the batteries more than anything. Had I been cheap about it and stuck the same batteries in a plastic flashlight from k-mart, I'd be looking for a new inside door panel right now.
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Post by NTXCrew »

Well it turns out that he was only a 5 ft tall 15 yr old punk kid. It also turns out that you can get into some kind of trouble for beating minors, even if they're punks...

The whole story...One night about midnight I was wakened by a call on my mobile from my bride-to-be. She told me that she thought she heard someone outside her bathroom window.... Let me take a moment and describe the layout of the house. The main or original house is rectangular and the addition is in the rear, making a "L" shape off the main house (If you were looking from above, it would look like a lopsided "U"). When you look out of the back patio doors of the main house, you can see the bathroom window on the addition, which runs parallel to main house. SHEESH, that was wordier than I expected it to be...Anyways, I told her to walk from her part into the main house and sneek around and peer through the patio doors to see if she could see anyone. I also told her not to turn off the bathroom light or turn on anymore lights. I honestly thought that no one would be there and the case would be closed. WELL,....there was someone there!!! She went and woke up her 60 yr old landlady/roommate and hung up with me so that she could call 911. The last words she actually said were, "Jim, there really is someone outside my window. I'm calling 911, gotta go. Love you, bye". Talk about leaving you hanging. Well, not wanting to take a passive role :D , I jumped out of bed, GRABBED MY MAGLIGHT, ran out the door, and jumped it the car (no crew then). It took me a total of about 2 minutes to make the 5-7 minute drive :D . In fact, when I pulled up, the first officer on the scene had just started walking around the side of the house. I tried to get his attention, but he didn't hear me, so I decided I'd be a good citizen and stand in the front yard, lest they think I was the peeping tom. The next thing I know I hear rustling bushes and chainlink fence and this guy comes flopping over the other side of the house. Well, still wanting to be a good citizen (well, to be honest, I was wanting to beat the crap out the guy), yelled at him and started chasing him down the sidewalk. When I yelled at him to stop, he did. :shock: I didn't think he was going to, so I didn't get to hit him after all. Two more officers showed up and they took him away in cuffs. By this time I was absolutely shaking because my body had dumped so much adrenaline into my blood stream. On top of it all, the lady my fiance lived with worked in the office of the high school the guy attends (my alma mater) and knew who exactly he was....she said she could make his life heck....he he he....THE END.
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Post by barch97 »

hmm... That's never the way it happens in the movies. seems like you might have over reacted a bit. whenever I see that scene played out, the girl is usually very turned on by the admirer and they eventually hook up.

Note: the vast majority of films I watch are from the adult section at the video store.
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Post by HenryJ »

For the Maglite : Use baking Soda to neutralize the battery acid.

For Barch97 : We are learning WAY more about you than we wanted to know ;)

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Post by a2b »

over reacted?

if it had been me, when i was chasing him downt he side walk, and if there was no cops watching......when he stopped, i would of p-legged him anyways and then told the cops that i had to tackle him to get him to stop :lol:
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Post by jayall23 »

I'm surprised nobody carries an air compresser. I have a cheap wal-mart, plug into the cig. lighter one. Its not the greatest, however it saved my butt one time so I consider its paid for itself.
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Post by NTXCrew »

barch97 wrote:hmm... That's never the way it happens in the movies. seems like you might have over reacted a bit. whenever I see that scene played out, the girl is usually very turned on by the admirer and they eventually hook up.

Note: the vast majority of films I watch are from the adult section at the video store.

Actually, my wife had trouble sleeping for a while after the incident, and as for overreacting, until the whole thing had played out, no one knew he was only a teenager. It could've been a 35 yr old guy...it was dark outside, so when it comes to the well being of my bride I suggest that ye not stand in the way :alert: . I would do it all again
Last edited by NTXCrew on Wed Aug 06, 2003 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by a2b »

jayall23 wrote:I'm surprised nobody carries an air compresser.

got one :D
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Post by smokinjoe »

ive thught abput but i,ve got a spare, i dont really need much else, if it comes down too ill park it or just load the spare up untill i can get itt to a shop, i refuse to drive farhter than neccassary on a donut :x
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Post by a2b »

smokinjoe wrote:ive thught abput but i,ve got a spare, i dont really need much else, if it comes down too ill park it or just load the spare up untill i can get itt to a shop, i refuse to drive farhter than neccassary on a donut :x

if i ever just run accross it, i will have 2 spares when i off road...being out in the middle of no where....walking isnt very practical
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Post by smokinjoe »

thats why i try to keep mine somewhere as opposed to be being in the middle of nowhere
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Post by a2b »

smokinjoe wrote:thats why i try to keep mine somewhere as opposed to be being in the middle of nowhere

oh come on, thats the whole fun of it :lol:
[size=75] -HOBIE

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