WaterWetter® is a unique wetting agent for cooling systems which reduces coolant temperatures by as much as 30ºF. This liquid product can be used to provide rust and corrosion protection in plain water for racing engines, which provides much better heat transfer properties than glycol-based antifreeze. Or it can be added to new or used antifreeze to improve the heat transfer of ethylene and propylene glycol systems. Designed for modern aluminum, cast iron, copper, brass and bronze systems. Compatible with all antifreezes, including the latest long-life variations.
I've been running it in everything I own for years.
My first experiences were running straight water and water wetter at the drag strip. All positive.
If you want to know how it works here is a simple experiment you can try at home:
Put a drop of water on the kitchen counter. It forms a dome. The area in contact with the surface is small and this is the area available to transfer heat. Now rub a little dish washing liquid on your finger and touch the drop on the counter. The soap breaks the surface tension of water and it spreads out across the counter. It now has a larger surface and better bond with the surface to transfer heat.
Fire fighters have used this method for years. We call it wet water. Water with a reduced surface tension can create smaller droplets and have more surface area to absorb heat.
Breaking the surface tension of the water allows better transfer. Think of it as taking away the layer between the tubes and the coolant.
My demonstration is to show how it breaks the surface tension and allows it to better bond with the surface it contacts. Basically it makes "water wetter", a better conductor , allowing it to transfer heat more efficiently.
"Speed doesn't kill, suddenly becoming stationary does." - Richard Hammond
"Speed is just a matter of Money - How fast do YOU want to go?"-Mechanic from Mad Max-
If at first you don't succeed - Don't take up Skydiving! - ThunderIIKE7CSK
I ran this stuff in my 84 Jimmy it's 2.8l motor tended to overheat and this stuff kept it running about 20-40 degrees cooler than before I added it.
[size=75]Why does the universe decree that if you have all the time in the world to work on projects you have no money and vice versa?
Green 2004 ZR-5 w/ too much to list here: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2296465[/size]
Yep, Water Wetter is good stuff. Been using it in every vehicle I have owned since 1990. Redline Oil is only 25 minutes from my house in Napa and I recently submitted a resume to them to see if they have any openings. Great company, great products!
wamason wrote:I know this has probably been answered before, but can it be used with Dex, or would there be any benefit to it?
It can be mixed with any type of antifreeze and should help decrease temperature even with the Dex. If you are still running Dex I would flush the entire system and refill with green antifreeze and distilled water (50/50 mix) and 1-2 bottles of Water Wetter.
wamason wrote:I know this has probably been answered before, but can it be used with Dex, or would there be any benefit to it?
It can be mixed with any type of antifreeze and should help decrease temperature even with the Dex. If you are still running Dex I would flush the entire system and refill with green antifreeze and distilled water (50/50 mix) and 1-2 bottles of Water Wetter.
Is there truly anymore "green" antifreeze out there. I noticed my overflow reservoir low this morning and wanted to pick up some for the return of my weekend road trip and they all said that they were safe with any color. I don't want anything that is mentioned in the same sentence that Dex is!
[size=75][b]"For those who have fought for it, [i][color=red]FR[/color][color=white]EE[/color][color=blue]DOM[/color][/i] has a taste that the protected will never know."
[url=http://www.naxja.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73349]GUIDE TO SEARCHING. [i] (Some of the forum software is different but, it has helped me a lot.)[/i][/url][/b]
[b]"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke[/b][/size]