Brush Guard Mounting

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Brush Guard Mounting

Post by PGH04ZR5 »

I recently bought a grille guard at an auction afew weeks ago. the #'s work to fit the front end of my ZR5 but I cannot find a good place to mount the guard to the truck. How have some of you guys mounted your grille guards? I saw the post how they have been mounted to the tow hooks, are there brackets i should be looking for?

What advice can you pass along?


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Post by raven2510 »

pics of guard so we can tell you.
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Guard Pics

Post by PGH04ZR5 »

First time posting pics so I hope this works.... What do you guys think?




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Post by PGH04ZR5 »

that didn't seem to work, I do not have a website to post the pics on, but you should be able to view them using this link ... 1077191821
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Post by barch97 »


I guess you wouldn't be here asking if the holes in those brackets lined up with the bolts in your tow hooks, huh?
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Post by PGH04ZR5 »

I guess you wouldn't be here asking if the holes in those brackets lined up with the bolts in your tow hooks, huh?
Although a very studious question Barch97, no they do not line up. I the pic you can see the two hooks have been removed due to me playing twith alignment. I have tried taking off the bolt on ears and seeing if the other holes would line up with the frame rails much in the same place at the two hooks mount but the guard sits way to high and does not come to contour the front end like it should. For the holes to line up with the ears attachements as you see in the pic, the arms on the guard are not the correct shape or angle to rach under the cowling where the two hook/airdame boxes are.

I am interested in other and how they have attached theres. do most go though the tow hook slot in the cowl or underneath the cowl tothe frame?

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Post by green02crew »

Maybe if you bent the brackets inward they would bolt into the holes holding the front skidplate on? Thats where mine bolts on so I'm just throwing that out there.
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Post by barch97 »

PGH04ZR5 wrote:Although a very studious question Barch97, no they do not line up.
Yeah, I didn't they would. I'm betting there's a few parts missing. Probably a fairly universal bar assembly with several mounting brackets for different applications. Check with the manufacturer, maybe you can get replacement mounting hardware?
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Post by PGH04ZR5 »

I bought the guard at an auction, and i cant seem to find any markings that would lead themselves to the make or model of this guard. I will need to take another look at the skid plate hookup, that might be possible
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Post by border man »

You need to fab up some new brackets using some thick angle iron. The top bolts up to the two bolts on top of the bumper, using some flat strap looking brackets. You will need to remove the grill. All of them can be made easily.

[size=75]I didn't do it, it was already like that when I got it.[/size]
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Post by border man »

I just noticed that you might just need to reverse the brackets, the flat side should be what mounts to the frame in place of the tow hooks.
[size=75]I didn't do it, it was already like that when I got it.[/size]
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Re: Brush Guard Mounting

Post by z28 »

could anyone post a picture of how their brush guard mounts? Im looking at buying one and I just want to make sure its gonna mount up right. any pick of the mounting brackets would be great help. Thanks
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Re: Brush Guard Mounting

Post by F9K9 »

Look at the other thread that you posted this question in.
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