225x60x16 tires
HPPlll (mainly to correct for the tire size)
Gather parts necessary to do a floor shift w/ console like this bravada. (so far I only have the door switch trim)

Moderator: F9K9
Will those controls connect to our radios? I thought they may only connect to the Bose system.HenryJ wrote:Grab the radio controls for the steering wheel too, when you eliminate the column shifter.
Did they have any of the inlay on the dash as well? I just glanced at one while checking RPO codes for a friend. I thought there was something around the glove box area? Might be imagining things though
I thought I saw a thread somewhere on how to do it, on another forum. I'll see if I can find the link.Jim wrote:...Will those controls connect to our radios? ...I have my spare air box all cut but haven't found belting yet.
sunktruck from ZR2.com wrote:I was able to succesfully add "stearing wheel controls" to my 2001 s-10 stock radio (which did not have stearing wheel controls). You will find out that the input wire is not availiable on the radio's harness, but can be added... er rigged. ...
It just might be possible.chevy_chick from ZR2.com wrote:...We (my Husband and I) have added this feature in our 1995 Chevy Impala SSs and our 1994 Caprice wagon. Donor vehicle was the chevy monte Carlo/Lumina, but Pontiac grand prix, grand am, Bonneville, Firebird would have worked too. In our situation, we needed the donor vehicle's steering wheel and airbag (wheel was shaped differently from the B-body wheel and took a different airbag), and the coil (Stock was airbag wiring only, donor was airbag plus radio controls (ingition, signal, lights, ground)). Once we did the stuff in the column (install coil and wheel), all that was left was to install the yellow signal wire into the radio (C3 pin 14).
this is the link to the impala SS home page that details the info... steering wheel radio control page