Just ordered....need lights advice

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Just ordered....need lights advice

Post by Walt »

Hey everybody... I just ordered this push bar/guard. Any suggestions on decent lights? I'm thinking 5" or 6" round lights. Also, if anyone has this item or something close to it with a BL, will I need to do alot of cutting to install it?

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Post by shrubs2000 »

I can't anwere your question but post or send me a good pic. I want one but can't convince the wife the truck will look good with it. :(
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I really like...

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I really like my KC Slim lights......
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Post by shrubs2000 »

The goal is to get some lites added. Currently, there is no place to put them.
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Here is the one that I have...

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2003 Sonoma Crew Cab, Superlift 6", PA 2" BL, KMC XD Enduros, BF Goodrich 315-70-17s, Powerdyne SC, JBA wires,headers and catback, CAI, Crossdrilled & Slotted rotors, Prerunner bar W/ fogs, bed mount spare, Custom rear buckets...
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Post by shrubs2000 »

Ok. Now I will need a switch that fits the "blank spot" in by dash to the left of my radio. Got a link for that :D

Really.. Thanks for the links!! I just put some $$ into my Grand Prix so I will shoot for next spring for these.
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Post by HenryJ »

shrubs2000 wrote:Ok. Now I will need a switch that fits the "blank spot" in by dash to the left of my radio. ...
Blank panel , left of radio , Fog light switch locations... , Wiring question

Last edited by HenryJ on Mon May 25, 2009 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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KC, how did that prerunner install on your bumper? Your bumper is a plastic cover right? I want to get one, but I don't know if there is a place to mount it under the cover.
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Post by KCustom »

It took a little time but the bar mounts to the metal behind the cover...Just have to line it up and cut holes for the bar ends to go through...I will try to get you some pictures. The KC lights come with a pretty cool swithch that I put in the location that Henry showed in the pictrue. If you can get a factory swith that would be cool too.
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Post by shrubs2000 »

I did tried the search.... honest I did.... Thanx
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Post by HenryJ »

shrubs2000 wrote:I did tried the search.... honest I did....
I didn't say a word :D ;)

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Post by KCustom »

Here are a couple of shots on how I mounted the ORI light bar to my GMC bumper....


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Post by AZS10Crew »

Here's where I put the switch for my lights...


Also...neither of the trucks in that linked thread had BL's with the bar installed. You may have to do some modification to get it to fit. It looks like it curves over the top of the bumper and mounts to the bottom of the tow hook mounts. You may have some issues with the bar clearing the top of the bumper with the BL.
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Post by Walt »

Since I don't have a garage, and doubt I will have on any time soon, I've pre-wired my offroad light switch to use the factory garage door opener panel. It's fairly easy. Just buy a push switch (you have to push to turn on, then again to turn back off), make a small bracket out of aluminum, and mount it above the button on the door and bingo. You have a hidden but convinient light switch.

I'm also worried about the WAAG bar I've ordered. I hope it won't be alot of trouble to get it to work with my BL.
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Post by fallvitals »

I did a lot of searching couldnt really find a the answer im looking for.

Im wanting to get a Westin light bar (push/bullbar) for my lift project eventually. My question is... do you wire them so you use them with the push of a switch WHEN you want them. Or do you wire em to come on with the low beams, or high beams?

I ask, cuase im not sure of local laws (searching for the answers) but I have seen people driving around with light bars and those lights on the bar on with their low beams.

If its a, wire it to a different switch, job. lot sof info here, and links in this thread. But im confused on if they are wired to turn on with low or highs, or when you want them on only... :oops:
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Post by HenryJ »

fallvitals wrote:My question is... do you wire them so you use them with the push of a switch WHEN you want them. Or do you wire em to come on with the low beams, or high beams?
How do you want them to operate?
It is not likely that they will be legal for on road use in either case. Low mounted fogs may be , but you already have those.

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Post by fallvitals »

IF its legal (don't think it would be, but have seen many folks with em on and driving...), having them as a low or high beam might be very helpful while driving.

If not, I'll wire it to a switch of course. but yes, I already have fog lights. So, I figure ill have to wire em to a switch.

My buddy that had a ZR2, had a roll over bar with 4 or 5 lights on it. Of course, those had to be on a switch, and didnt run with lows/ or highs. He said those were illegal while driving (of course), but im sure it probably applies to this as well...
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Post by 04crewvt »

Almost every state has laws on the books on the number and operation of auxiliary lamps, whether they are enforced or not I wouldn't know. Searching a WV on line MV statute shows a number of things including the following:

(b) Whenever a motor vehicle equipped with head lamps as herein required is also equipped with any auxiliary lamps or a spot lamp or any other lamp on the front thereof projecting a beam of intensity greater than three hundred candlepower, not more than a total of four of any such lamps on the front of a vehicle shall be lighted at any one time when upon a highway. from here West Virginia Code
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Post by fallvitals »

Hm, I actually was looking at that page when you posted :lol: But you found that section before I did. So, looks like I can run with with my low or high beams....

Im thinking in my head if I would wire em for low beam use only, high beam (or if possible, both), or just KISS (Keep it simple stupid) and wire it for its own switch... input..?
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Post by F9K9 »

I would keep them on a separate circuit/switch. You're gonna be jumping state lines eventually. Just my Image
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Post by fallvitals »

f9k9 wrote:I would keep them on a separate circuit/switch. You're gonna be jumping state lines eventually. Just my Image
Good point. Now I can spend the next few months deciding on which lights to buy for it! lol. Heck, those are are pricey as the Westin bar. Might have to get those PIAA lights, dad swears by em on his bike, but very pricey...

f9k9, I was searching, I cant recall, or find it... but the brush guard on your truck, isnt it a PreRunner? Or what brand is it? *actually i think the prerunner? what hobie had?*
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Post by F9K9 »

Long story on my brush/grill guard. It is a WAAG that is no longer made. I bought it from a member of the long deceased ZR2.com. It has spurred a few lively debates about the differences between ZR2 frame horns and ours. All I know is that I had to have a "fabricator" widen the attachment points for my frame horns. I took Brule's advice and combined it with 1st Gen tow hooks.


The first Gen hooks work well when I disco (again Brule's idea). I am afraid you will have to perfect the search function for discos but, I don't see you going there just yet.

You are doing well though! It just took a flogging or two to get you over a couple of humps in the road. :wink:
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Post by fallvitals »

Discos? Whaaaaa? :blink:

I promise Boss, Ill use the search feature, oh lordy please don't hit me again!

lol :lol:

Well, you got a very nice brush guard. I like the Westin push bar, but I think it hangs out too far, and 'dips' too low, I liked yours cause it didn't dip low below the air dam and set snug against your grill. Plus, looks very nice.
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Post by F9K9 »

To late to suck up now !


In all seriousness, you just need to keep an eye on the classifieds in the S-10 forums. If you spot something on ZR2USA.com then PM Brule or myself and we can speak for you there. They are a tad uppity and require proof of ownership of a ZR2 or have a member sponsor someone. Craigslist is worth checking daily. I scored some 33s 1/4 mile from my home and he delivered them.
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Post by border man »

Is this the type of bar you seek, young one?



I have a brand new one in the shed that will be up for sale soon. Price TBD.
[size=75]I didn't do it, it was already like that when I got it.[/size]
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Post by fallvitals »

yeah, thats one I was interested in. I like it, but also think its kinda cheap looking and sticks out a bit....

I'll keep an eye in the classifieds then, if its the right price I might bite. I do relaly like that westin push/light/bull bar though...
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Post by fallvitals »

f9k9 wrote:I would keep them on a separate circuit/switch. You're gonna be jumping state lines eventually. Just my Image
You know this got me thinking. And I asked a few people and looked online. And if I wire these lights to come on with my low beams/high beams (I plan on using PIAA 525s, dual beams). But if its legal in my home state, and I travel out of state and get pulled over. Even if its illegal there, if I can prove I am a resident of West Virginia, they can't cite me.

Unless its something you can take off/turn off/etc, IE Radar detctor. But something "perminant" your good to go.
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Post by rlrnr53 »

Most states can and will fine you for violating their laws. According to most officers, Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
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Post by HenryJ »

I know Canada will take your radar or radio. Not powered or not in use doesn't matter. Not legal to have there period. Three friends took a bike ride and came home without their radar detectors.

I believe some states you may be able to have offroad lights mounted (those with out a DOT marked lens) , but it must be covered so it can not be used on the public right of way.

I would say do your best to follow the laws where you frequent. Passing through try not to draw attention to yourself. Personally, I like to have control over when they are activated. i would wire my own switch.

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Post by fallvitals »

rlrnr. I dont know all about that. I do know, we had to do alot of searching. When taking our boat from WV, were we reside, to VA.. In VA boats have to be insured, we don't have boat insurance. But we are not residents of Virginia, so we were perfectly legal taking our uninsured boat and putting it in VA waters.

I did some more searching, found this thread,

http://boards.answers.findlaw.com/n/pfx ... -answersmb

It seems there is no offical law on record according to that link, folks even spoke to attorneys to try and find the answer. It seems if you ever get into any situation were the cop insites on citing you, an attorney should quickly handle the whole mess.

Now having something illegal (I am assuming they are illegal in canada from your story Brule) in your car such as a radar detector or radio, on or not, isnt the same as dark tint, or auxilary lights, something you can't just fix on the spot.

WV has the same rule for offroad use only lights. Have to be covered when on public roads. The PIAA 525 lights im looking at arent offroad lights, and I cant find a solid answer, but beleive them to be DOT compliant.

I would say do your best to follow the laws where you frequent. Passing through try not to draw attention to yourself. Personally, I like to have control over when they are activated. i would wire my own switch.
I do agree there. Im sure I could wire it up with a switch to control the main on/off. And still have it wired to "follow" the low beams and high beams. It would be a bit annoying to have to turn em on, but it would be better that way.

Which I rarely travel out of state. Even less in my own vehicle. Gotta take something with better gas milage for that :lol: