TS 6.5" lift info....

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TS 6.5" lift info....

Post by John »

Got the low down on the bigger of the two kits. Truckin swears it will work and I've talked to a shop (TS dealer) in Mesa, Arizona that put one on. They said the truck is on the road and doing fine. They told me that they had some issues with the kit and had to make some mods to it, being the first one they've done. Said they modified some parts themselves and TS modified some other parts for them. Mesa told me that TS has since modified the kit to improve it. I've got a dealer in Austin, TX that will sell me the kit and will guarantee the install. Out the door, including price of kit, shocks, install, and alignment is $1950. Sound like I need to do it? Still wanting those 35's.....
I WILL have 35's on this thing sooner or later.
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Post by quickbiker »

Kewl, keep us updated. We need a gunui (spelling, lol) for that kit! But I don't know if I would put 35's on that front end, that's ask'n for trouble. 33's is about the most it can handle, and more adds stress. The bigger of a tire you go, the more leverage it adds, thus more stress. If you wanna go that big, rig up some sfa.
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Post by AZS10Crew »

Which shop in Mesa was it? I just might have to head over there and check it out. 8)
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Post by Conman »

2k installed seems like a good deal. But I do want to warn you about what happened with a dodge owner though:



Granted it was a dodge. j/k It appears he was the first kit sold and the dealer they gave messed something up.

Looking at his pics, I can see the Dodge lift is more complicated than the s10 kit.

Let us know what needs to be modded as the 6.5 there must be things you have to extended.

Good Luck,


P.S. Can you find out if the TS kit can return to stock?
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Post by John »

Yah, the 35's probably won't fit anyway. The shop in Mesa was Unique 4x4. Their phone # is (480) 969-6600. Drop a line and let us know what more they had to say about the kit. I'm also thinking about fabbing my own 3" body lift on top of it. Know I can make it work with 3" blocks, as opposed to the 2 inchers, and I've got a metal fab shop to make up the bumper brackets. Let's see, 6.5" suspension + 3" body, hmm......
I WILL have 35's on this thing sooner or later.
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Post by AZS10Crew »

I'll try and call there and maybe stop by to see if they have any pics or actual vehicles there to look at. Not sure when I'll have time, but I'll try to get over there ASAP and let you guys know the details.
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Post by a2b »

to get 35's practically. you have to do a swap. but not nescessarliy a SFA. you can also swap the 8.5 or 9.5 IFS out of a full size or full ton chevy. from what i understand, its not a hard thing to do. this might be a good solution and cheaper cuz you dont have to build sterring and all sorts of mess like that. and if you dont rock crawl, then you dont need the articultaion. if you just haul stuff or splash thru mud, IFS is just fine
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Post by AZS10Crew »

I think 33's would make me plenty happy. 8)

That reminds me...would 33x12.5's fit on the stock rims? I don't think they will, but I figured I'd check here to see if anyone knew for sure.
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Post by quickbiker »

AZS10Crew wrote:I think 33's would make me plenty happy. 8)

That reminds me...would 33x12.5's fit on the stock rims? I don't think they will, but I figured I'd check here to see if anyone knew for sure.

I've heard of ppl doing it, but I think it's pushing it. 33x10.5 would work perfect on stock rims. I may do that some day.
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Post by a2b »

AZS10Crew wrote:I think 33's would make me plenty happy. 8)

That reminds me...would 33x12.5's fit on the stock rims? I don't think they will, but I figured I'd check here to see if anyone knew for sure.

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Post by AZS10Crew »

Never mind the 33x12.5's...I'll get the 32x10.5's instead. In the Super Swamper TSL Radials anyway, they're 32.1 diameter (compared to the 32.7 diameter of the 33's) and a 9" tread width (compared to the 9.4" tread width of the 33x12's and 7.9" for the 33x10.5's). So basically...the 32x10.5's are almost as big as the 33x12.5's (except in the cross-section category), they're about $20 per tire cheaper, and they fit on 15x7" rims.

Hurray for 32x10.5" Super Swamper TSL Radials! :thumb:
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Post by HenryJ »

I just wanted to make a comment that will help all truck owners out..

Everyone knows that people that drive Chevys hate people that drive Dodges & Fords. Same with Dodge owners hating Fords & Chevys and the same with Ford owners hating Dodge and Chevy owners. But everyone of us has seen the movie where all the evils get together to fight the greater evil.... This is one of those times.. But I don't think killing them is quite what I'm talking about.

Truckin-Suspension will market ANY part you could imagine.. Don't believe me? Look it up on there website or call them. If you need a part for your vehicle they will say they have it. They've never tested any of them before so be VERY careful. They said they did R & D on the lift they sold me and that it was on a truck for 6 months.. They also told me they sold 3 others lifts making 4 total before I recieved mine. Only 2 parts out of the whole kit fit. One of those parts was a rear shackle hanger.. They sent me 2 one for each side.. There was a 1/2" difference in the gap to fit the leaf spring so I couldn't get my leafs in that hanger. They sent me 4 more... finally the 4th was the correct size. That's just one of the many problems with my lift. Not to mention the steel they used was very soft and bent all over the place.

Every part that they sent me had to be beefed up and modified to fit my truck. I'm sure after having people complain to them about it they have finally gotten the measurements correct on the Dakota lift. But have you seen a S-10 with it?

Trust me my truck was out of commision for 5 months trying to get new parts from them and replacing parts that broke because of there lift. It finally got to expensive for me and I had to traide it in.

I just wanted to tell you guys.. PLEASE don't get this lift.. as much as I'd love to see a S-10 in a ditch somewhere.. Giving them money is a worse sin then helping a S-10 owner.

-It's not Chevy's I hate.. It's the owners-

.... Just kidding .... but it makes a good line doesn't it?

Feel free to E-mail or AIM me with any questions.
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Post by HenryJ »

For the record: I have nothing against Ford's , they are second best! ;) j/k

Thanks for taking the time and effort to relate your experiences!

Knowledge is power!

P.S. I don't have any problems with Mopars either, I just can't bring myself to say the "D" word in front of young children ;) j/k

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Post by Warnoffroad »

Are you the guy with the black dodge dakota with the 4.5'' TS lift on truckworld? I had the same problems with them sending me the correct T-bar parts but after the 3rd try they got it correct. But I figure since I was the first one they now know what they are doing. But the people there are @$$es they will ask who you are and then tell you that the people you need to talk to arent in :x . I told them that I was going to send the kit back and then they sent the correct parts. I kinda wish I had sent the kit back, but only beacause I would have a dana 44 up front by now :(
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Post by Conman »

Knobbyman wrote:I just wanted to make a comment that will help all truck owners out..

Everyone knows that people that drive Chevys hate people that drive Dodges & Fords. Same with Dodge owners hating Fords & Chevys and the same with Ford owners hating Dodge and Chevy owners. But everyone of us has seen the movie where all the evils get together to fight the greater evil.... This is one of those times.. But I don't think killing them is quite what I'm talking about.

Truckin-Suspension will market ANY part you could imagine.. Don't believe me? Look it up on there website or call them. If you need a part for your vehicle they will say they have it. They've never tested any of them before so be VERY careful. They said they did R & D on the lift they sold me and that it was on a truck for 6 months.. They also told me they sold 3 others lifts making 4 total before I recieved mine. Only 2 parts out of the whole kit fit. One of those parts was a rear shackle hanger.. They sent me 2 one for each side.. There was a 1/2" difference in the gap to fit the leaf spring so I couldn't get my leafs in that hanger. They sent me 4 more... finally the 4th was the correct size. That's just one of the many problems with my lift. Not to mention the steel they used was very soft and bent all over the place.

Every part that they sent me had to be beefed up and modified to fit my truck. I'm sure after having people complain to them about it they have finally gotten the measurements correct on the Dakota lift. But have you seen a S-10 with it?

Trust me my truck was out of commision for 5 months trying to get new parts from them and replacing parts that broke because of there lift. It finally got to expensive for me and I had to traide it in.

I just wanted to tell you guys.. PLEASE don't get this lift.. as much as I'd love to see a S-10 in a ditch somewhere.. Giving them money is a worse sin then helping a S-10 owner.

-It's not Chevy's I hate.. It's the owners-

.... Just kidding .... but it makes a good line doesn't it?

Feel free to E-mail or AIM me with any questions.

Thanks for your input, I was searching google for lift kits and I stubbled on your post at the Dodge Forum. I'm considering a lift but right now it's probably the TrailMaster Kit cause there is a shop that installs them near me. But I'm waiting for the Warr. to expire and interested to see how the New Colorado Crew is.

I was looking at all crewcabs and liked the Durango, but the dealers did not option the trucks correctly(like correct gear options or added the pricey Luxo Options). Plus it was a tad pricey over the S10 Crew. But it was still cheaper than a Tacoma Crew. I like the Taco but the price is crazy.

Good Luck with your new vehicle!


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Post by quickbiker »

Knobbyman wrote:I just wanted to make a comment that will help all truck owners out..

Everyone knows that people that drive Chevys hate people that drive Dodges & Fords. Same with Dodge owners hating Fords & Chevys and the same with Ford owners hating Dodge and Chevy owners. But everyone of us has seen the movie where all the evils get together to fight the greater evil.... This is one of those times.. But I don't think killing them is quite what I'm talking about.

Truckin-Suspension will market ANY part you could imagine.. Don't believe me? Look it up on there website or call them. If you need a part for your vehicle they will say they have it. They've never tested any of them before so be VERY careful. They said they did R & D on the lift they sold me and that it was on a truck for 6 months.. They also told me they sold 3 others lifts making 4 total before I recieved mine. Only 2 parts out of the whole kit fit. One of those parts was a rear shackle hanger.. They sent me 2 one for each side.. There was a 1/2" difference in the gap to fit the leaf spring so I couldn't get my leafs in that hanger. They sent me 4 more... finally the 4th was the correct size. That's just one of the many problems with my lift. Not to mention the steel they used was very soft and bent all over the place.

Every part that they sent me had to be beefed up and modified to fit my truck. I'm sure after having people complain to them about it they have finally gotten the measurements correct on the Dakota lift. But have you seen a S-10 with it?

Trust me my truck was out of commision for 5 months trying to get new parts from them and replacing parts that broke because of there lift. It finally got to expensive for me and I had to traide it in.

I just wanted to tell you guys.. PLEASE don't get this lift.. as much as I'd love to see a S-10 in a ditch somewhere.. Giving them money is a worse sin then helping a S-10 owner.

-It's not Chevy's I hate.. It's the owners-

.... Just kidding .... but it makes a good line doesn't it?

Feel free to E-mail or AIM me with any questions.

What the hey are you talking about? Who cares what you drive. I've owned them all, and have liked all the ones I have owned. I buy what fits me at the time. :roll:
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Post by Rusty »

quickbiker wrote:What the hey are you talking about? Who cares what you drive. I've owned them all, and have liked all the ones I have owned. I buy what fits me at the time. :roll:

I'll second that. In the almost 30 years I've been driving I've owned over 50 different cars and trucks, sometimes several at a time. All different makes and models. What I learned is that they ALL have their good and bad points. The debate over GM vs Ford vs Chrysler vs whatever stuff is old. What it really boils down to is how much money do you have?

Post by HenryJ »

Wow.. I'm quite impressed. I thought I was going to be flaimed for having a Dodge and letting you guys in on the experiance I had with them.

I'm glad to see this isn't a CHEVY is GOD comunity like most Chevy, Dodge, & Ford forums are.

;-) Y'all have fun .. just becareful what you put on your trucks I'd hate to see another broken down truck.

Post by Rusty »

I used to be "Chevy Only" but there was (is?) a guy named Smokey Yunick who once said "an engine doesn't know who's name is on the valve covers". Made sense to me. Basically they all work the same way.

Hey, you can make a Volvo go fast with enough money! Just put a Chevy V8 in it! :lol:
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Post by Conman »

Knobbyman wrote:Wow.. I'm quite impressed. I thought I was going to be flaimed for having a Dodge and letting you guys in on the experiance I had with them.

I'm glad to see this isn't a CHEVY is GOD comunity like most Chevy, Dodge, & Ford forums are.

;-) Y'all have fun .. just becareful what you put on your trucks I'd hate to see another broken down truck.

Nope. I've acutally got flamed by my buddies cause I bought an "American" Truck. I've had "Imports" for the longest time and this is my first Chevy I've owned. So back on the brand pref., everyone got there choice, and they all are justified to pick there best. For me, I like getting vehicles few people have. I've even had a Daewoo Leganza! Glad I sold it before the value went down. It was a good car though.

Again, Thanks for giving your honest opinion.



P.S. So what mods you are doing to your Cougar?
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Post by Rusty »

Conman wrote:
Knobbyman wrote:Wow.. I'm quite impressed. I thought I was going to be flaimed for having a Dodge and letting you guys in on the experiance I had with them.

I'm glad to see this isn't a CHEVY is GOD comunity like most Chevy, Dodge, & Ford forums are.

;-) Y'all have fun .. just becareful what you put on your trucks I'd hate to see another broken down truck.

Nope. I've acutally got flamed by my buddies cause I bought an "American" Truck. I've had "Imports" for the longest time and this is my first Chevy I've owned. So back on the brand pref., everyone got there choice, and they all are justified to pick there best. For me, I like getting vehicles few people have. I've even had a Daewoo Leganza! Glad I sold it before the value went down. It was a good car though.

Again, Thanks for giving your honest opinion.



P.S. So what mods you are doing to your Cougar?

Wanna try unique? I had one of these:


Talk about a project that I was in over my head on!
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Post by HenryJ »

GaryH wrote:Hey, you can make a Volvo go fast with enough money! Just put a Chevy V8 in it!
Or a Kaiser-Fraiser ;)

I run what I can afford. With the availability of Chevy parts and price that's what I do.

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Post by quickbiker »

I usually try to buy American, but that definition is quite complicated nowadays with all the mixed ownerships and partnerships. I do find American vehicles always much more comfortable than imports. I have yet to sit in an import that didn't feel like I was sitting on a body formed brick.

I've had 73 Bronco, 89 Comanche, 93 YJ, 93 Dodge Dakota, and now my Chevy CC. I did have one other GM, that was a 78 Buick Regal with SB 305. That was a sweet car, no matter what ppl say. It was very light at 2700 lbs. It had aluminum rear drums, aluminum trunk, everything to make it light.

I wanted to get another Dodge Dakota, but I couldn't fit my tall self inside with the new design, they got a stupid cross support in the roof that my head always rubs on. They screwed the tall people market. :lol:

Never thought about an S-10 till I sat inside one, I was sold from that day on. :D
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Post by Rusty »

HenryJ wrote:
Or a Kaiser-Fraiser ;)

I run what I can afford. With the availability of Chevy parts and price that's what I do.

Or just about anything if you have a torch and a big hammer! :lol:

quickbiker wrote:Never thought about an S-10 till I sat inside one, I was sold from that day on.

I actually got the S-10 because my father in law could get the GM discount so we got it at dealer cost. It's funny but I had a Ranger that was almost paid off and didn't want more payments but my wife was insistent that we needed another 4 door with a back seat for our kid. I was insistent that we needed a truck. The crewcab was the compromise and the S-10 (because of the discount) was the choice.

I've never regreted it!

Post by HenryJ »

Conman - Actually the Cougar is going to go by the way side fairly soon. I can't stand cars.. I'd much rather be in a truck....

I'm probably going to end up getting a '88 Honda Accord (I can pay cash for it and not have a monthy payment) and a 198x Jeep CJ-8 :D

Got to have a soild axle for off-roading.
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Post by Conman »

Knobbyman wrote:Conman - Actually the Cougar is going to go by the way side fairly soon. I can't stand cars.. I'd much rather be in a truck....

I'm probably going to end up getting a '88 Honda Accord (I can pay cash for it and not have a monthy payment) and a 198x Jeep CJ-8 :D

Got to have a soild axle for off-roading.

Hmmm, I'm not a Jeep fan though. ;) All my buddies had Jeeps. I like Samis but hard to find one in ok condition(or cheap).

I did the same thing you did, I had a daily Driver(95 Mazda Protege) and a Weekend Warrior(89 Isuzu Trooper Shorty 2dr). I had no time to work on the 89 so I sold both the Mazda and Isuzu for the 02 S10 Crew.


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i got a ts 6.5 lift

Post by highroller »

i got a truckin suspension 6.5 inch lift, but its classified as a 7 inch. Its makes the truck look great, i also added some 33 inch super swamper ssr's with some 15x8 inch rims. when i get my camera back ill take some pictures for you. 8) 8) 8) 8)
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Re: i got a ts 6.5 lift

Post by Conman »

highroller wrote:i got a truckin suspension 6.5 inch lift, but its classified as a 7 inch. Its makes the truck look great, i also added some 33 inch super swamper ssr's with some 15x8 inch rims. when i get my camera back ill take some pictures for you. 8) 8) 8) 8)

Hello HighRoller!

Def. would like to see upclose pics of the lift. Also what other parts did you need? Can't wait for the pics.


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Re: i got a ts 6.5 lift

Post by a2b »

highroller wrote:i got a truckin suspension 6.5 inch lift, but its classified as a 7 inch. Its makes the truck look great, i also added some 33 inch super swamper ssr's with some 15x8 inch rims. when i get my camera back ill take some pictures for you. 8) 8) 8) 8)

woe, a cc on 33's!!!!!! that would be the first one i have ever seen! cool! i wish mine was on 33's
[size=75] -HOBIE

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