Years: 94+ S10/Blazer
Time: 30min-1.5hr
Cost: $70-100
Parts Needed:
Flaming River U-Joint # FR1746DD Summit JEGS
S-Series steering shaft (1st or 2nd Gen)
LockTite Thread Locker
Hacksaw or other tool to cut thin steel
Dremel or Cut off-wheel
11mm socket/wrench
½” socket/wrench
4mm Allen wrench
Flathead Screwdriver
Drill and Bits
The purpose of this mod is to reduce the sloppy/loose feeling of the stock rag joint. After I did this mod it almost completely removed the play in the steering.
First you will need the Flaming River U-joint. It looks like this.

You then need to remove your stock steering shaft. You can access it through the driver side wheel well. You will need to remove a plastic shield that hides the Ragjoint. Its removed by sticking a flathead screwdriver in the crack in it and splitting it open.
Then you need the 11mm socket/wrench and remove the stock-retaining bolt. Then with a little force you need to pull the shaft towards the cab to get it off the steering box splines.

Then using a Dremel or Cutoff wheel you need to notch the ragjoint to remove it. Be careful not to cut the shaft…just the ragjoint. You may need to cut it 2 times.

Then you can hit it the ragjoint with a hammer and it will come off.

Then you will need the cut the shaft end where it flares out to get the u-joint on.
Here it is marked and then cut. You should be left with about ¾”.

Next you will want to slid on the u-joint and install the screws and then remove the screws and joint. This will give you a place to make dimples to give the shaft something to hold onto better.

Then drilled. Do not drill all the way through. Just enough to make a dimple.

Then reinstall the u-joint and apply Locktite and install the allen screws. Then apply Locktite to the screws again and install the provided nuts onto the U-joint and tighten.

Now just reinstall the shaft onto the truck the way you removed it. You will notice that the steering box splines have a flat spot on them…. that’s where the U-joints screws will go. Then apply Locktite to the Screw and tighten…. same goes with the nut. Then recheck your nuts to make sure you tightened them and your done.

Now you can enjoy the improved steering. I have had this Mod done for 3-4 weeks and have noticed now negative effects or binding of any kind.
Pics provided and mod originally done by:
s10cyncrvr –
blanz –