service intervals

Anything related to the stock drivetrain, engine, transmission, axles, wheels...

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service intervals

Post by top_sgt »

here's a couple of questions for all you all that have more miles on your crews than i >18000:
1. how often does everyone change coolant/antifreeze?? and do you use red or green???

2. how often do you change trany fluid????

i feel i'm getting to the point in miles of doing some maintenance!!!!
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Post by jeff024 »

coolant I just flushed and changed to green at 65000miles

Oil at every 5000 miles

trans has been done 1 time at 35000 I think it is do for 1

plugs / wires just done

front and rear diff. done at 30000 miles

rotate tires every 10000 miles

fuel filter every 15000 miles sometimes less

and will be taking the throttle body off this weekend to give her a good cleaning

my truck now has 76500 miles.
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Post by F9K9 »

Oil at 3K, unless you are doing synthetic which I do at 6K and filters at 3K.

Lube at 3K

My rig only has 12 K on it and am doing the hoses and radiator (upgraded) ASAP

Will leave the plugs , wires, cap and rotor for now but, am prepped to change if I feel an itch.

Dex is gone as of last yr.

rear end is already synthetic.

Tranny is coming up shortly with synthetic.

Rad cap is replaced with our recommended avenue.
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Post by top_sgt »

yep....time for some maintenance!!!!!!!!
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Post by barch97 »

:yikes: I thought all this stuff was covered in the 100,000 mile tune-up. I'm good for another 25k 8)
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Post by top_sgt »

i have never trusted GM's service scheldule!!!!! the intervals seem toooo long!!! i'm a firm beleiver in oil changes every 3000!!!
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Post by HenryJ »

Coolant and brake fluid: Green coolant changed every 2-3 years (Dex should be the same, IMO) brake fluid every 2-3 years.

Transmission fluid exchange and filter: 15-20k miles, Seafoam TransTune prior to change to break the varnish.

Oil change, check fluid levels, check aircleaner, lube chassis and visual inspection of hoses, wires, etc: 3000 miles max.

Rotate tires and add injector cleaner fuel treatment: Every third oil change. 6-7k miles.

Fuel filter , check plugs, check cap and rotor: 10-15k miles.

Differentials and transfercase: after initial change during first service, then as needed after water crossings, or every 30-50k miles.

Ears and eyes open for troubles every day ;)

Sure GM hopes everything will make it to 100k miles, but there is performance deterioration on the way there. I see no way that the cap and rotor will make that interval with out some major degradation.

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