Advance Auto now has a METAL distributor. I thought I was seening things as the only one prior to that was the United Electronics unit @ Rock Auto.
Here's my comment (question) and their answer on the page for the distributor.
On 03/31/2015 you asked the following question at Advance Auto Parts
"Well This IS DIFFERENT! Looks like someone got off their DUFF and figured out the PLASTIC distributor base was not the best idea,(it only took them 20 years!) and made it of metal. OR AM I SEEING THINGS. If it is metal, I'll buy one. If not I'll get the United Electronics unit from a competitor for less."
Heath, ASE Parts Specialist from AAP said:
"I'm glad to assist, Torskdoc! This ToughOne New Ignition Distributor with Cap and Rotor (Part No. T1639) does have a metal base. This distributor will provide many miles of reliable service on your 2002 Chevrolet S10 4.3L V6"
PART is TOUGHONE T-1639. It comes with the module, cap and rotor. Brand New, no core, and $111.99. This compares pretty well with the United @ Rockauto for $91. & shipping.
The bank (read wife) alloted $100. for the distributor so I've ordered the United Electric from Rock Auto. I looked at the Advanced Auto one and I wasn't impressed with the finish. Lot's of casting flash, uneven finish on outside, and really thin screw bosses on the sides. I'd be really careful about screwing down the cap on one of these. The cap had steel posts, and the rotor had 2 pins but no block to lock in the rotor arm. We'll see about the United unit, although I've heard good things about them from others with CC's.
Got the United Auto Distributor from Rock Auto for $98. and change SHIPPED! Regular price was 92 and change before shipping. The initially sent a V-8 distributor on monday, I sent it back Monday on a RMA and had the new one Thursday. Highly pleased with it. Brass contacts, 2 pins and a lock block on the rotor. Very well made and the vents are on the BACK SIDE of the vent tubes at the bottom outside. (Keep the dirt and wet out more I suppose). Took 13 minutes from 1st wire off to starting it. Having a new universal 10 mm Socket helps greatly. See Thread viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9201 for full details.