Wiring them per instructions looks like cake. The problem is, when they are turned on, and you want to switch between driving and fog light you have to press the included piaa switch, as well as your stock headlight switch to make the adjustment for both sets to be on low, or high. Example. Im driving down the interstate with the high beams and driving lights,,, I will need to press the PIAA switch, and also the high beam switch to get them both down to low (fog).
I did a bit of googling and came across a thread that was explaining how to wire these lights so that the vehicles light switch controls it, and I THINK the piaa switch still controls main power of the lights (on/off), but it was never addressed in the thread.
I took the diagram, re-made it to post here so it showed more of it.

(Diagram got cut off please use this link:)
http://photos.imageevent.com/rc_racer_0 ... iagram.jpg
Piaa 525 install manual, http://www.piaa.com/Lamps/install/525.pdf
After doing the quad beam mod, I think I understand it,, but I have a few questions if some of you more electrical guys can answer...
#1) What was the battery ground now says to, "Connect two wires to end ond of switch. Ground other end of switch". But then it shows the Negative wire coming from the switch as not used?
I have no clue on that? Ideas?
#2) Where it says "cut the black wire going in and ground" (coming from the lamp going to the relay). That doesnt seem right to me,, or does it? Seems like the relay needs the ground? but the lgiht will still be ground if you do that...?
I am just trying to wire it so I have a main on/off switch, but the vehicle controls the auxilary lights with the low and high beam (when the auxilary is turned on of course).
Thanks in advance.
Edit - The guy who made the diagram above that I copyed from that forum also said this:
"I'm assuming your wire harness includes 2 relays then? You can connect the positive relay trigger wires to the stock low and high beam wires respectively. Then run a single ground wire off your switch of choice to the relays. So when switched on, the piaas will follow the stock lights with no further action on your part.
A pic of what you have would help explain things easier."